Whos seen it? Its a pretty good movie... id go so far as to say second only to Sherlock Holmes itself... and thats pretty good... its a good movie... and its past my bed time... well heres some soundtrack music which is brtw great utter greatneess i listened to it while playing aoe3 eso an it was wawesome i was the saioux an there awesome amn listeninig to this music while playing them is likle woah but not for u cause you gotta be INFP for it to work like rthat you guty s just dont feel emotion with this kinda stufferooney stustufferroooneeeyyyyyy wghich i like oonly other stuff bbbuuuuuuuuuuuuut tis dobnt matters cause its dont matter cause i dont care an u doont cares an noone cares an were all happy an b4 i leavye plewse dont ban mer im tured an the keuyboards bl;urring very badlty an im tired and so r my eyes an yeah goodnight *falls asleeop on top of keyboard*
*gadget turns out to be... duhduhduuuuu... energy sword, charges at you and slices you in haslf thern half again then again and again and again and agina and agian nad again*