Could it be? Major internet drama we got it all here folks!
In latest news, we got upskirt pics of known BIS forumer Alex of Macedon. We got a fresh pic of his !!!!
Whait, wuts dis? Successful troll is unsucessful, Padilsop, identified spammer, has been the CROTCH of the joke this time, with his near complete change to accepting life as a tampon. LOL?
Desparate attention seeker of truth revealed!?!?! User thymole has been in a conundrum lately with identity issues and split personality. Many have been confused, shocked, and aroused. Is it a creepy pedo? Or sincerely two people as THYMOLE wants us to believe, a boy and a girl?!!?
Continuing the story of the previous paragraph, boy part THYMOLE has accused girl part of being a SLUT!! And losing her VIRGINITY in NINTH GRADE!!!! Girl part thymole has responded angrily, and promises a crotch kick to boy part thymole. Sorry man, we here at the editing department feel your pain.
For our concluding story, cool aussie guy JACK, the co owner of BIS, was caught in a very comprimising situation today. We sent our hard hitter investigating guy WRP_Beater in to browse Chatroulette for some [hidethetruth]porn[/hidethetruth] EVIDENCE. WRP_Beater found something, and unlike the many emotionally disturbed men jacking off on Chatroulette, this did NOT make him HORNYZ!? WRP_Beater caught Jack in the act of being on chatroulette in a chat with him and showing WRP his !!!!!! WHAT. A. WHORE.
editors note: you read this certified [ZOMG!!1 Internet Drama?] copywritted article at your own risk. There may be a possibility of you being in the article [CAUGHTINTHEACT] and emberrased, but there is a 100% certainty of laughter. Thank you for the tips and donations, we need all the constructive comments to improve our paper and make more. There is a risk of side effects from reading said article, including but not limited to; sexual arousement, sexual fetish perversion, sexual disarousement, explosive orgasm, implosive orgasm, loss of abiility to orgasm, faint feeling, sweaty palms, carpel tunnel(THAT WAS A MASTURBATION JOKE), death
In wont to bring more activity to these forums, in a fun and hilarious way, I thought of this. An ongoing forum created paper. I want to try to make one every two weeks. Im asking for people here to join the team, and help create. The stories can be true ones exxagerated, made up for the lol's, such like that. Want humor, please apply.