Okay everyone, I'll need help here. I have a personal laptop that I own, and it has windows vista for its operating system. I was looking up stuff about Linux operating systems and I found Ubuntu. Check it out.
Well its free, and it seems that everything about it, speed and such, all everything, is better than windows and apple. I could get it. Im not sure. Seems awesome. Could you guys help iwth this? Like look for stuff about it that tells me all of the differences from vista and how easy it would be. I want to keep all of my files that I have now on vista, and keep vista, being able to change back anytime I want. I want to be able to dual boot, so vista stays, but I can use ubantu. Seems great, faster and theres no viruses that affect it. I need lots of info and details on this, help please. Big decision, and it could screw my laptop up, so I want to be completely sure before going ahead, if I do.
Its not a scam its just a diffy operating system. Its open source as well, so if you want you can twiddle round with the coding and make it all customised which is pretty cool i bet its really really hard to do though xD
I've never run linux and I'm not an expert, but what I've heard in general is that there are many potential compatibility issues between windows and linux, just like with windows and mac. The people who do use it seem almost irrationally fanatically devoted to it, and the people who don't use it dismiss it as irrelevant. I haven't seen any benefits that really stand out.