So thy brought up something I found could be used as a topic. What really scares you good?
Me, well spiders, spiders are horrid, creepy eight legged freaks, cant stand them crawling around, if I see one Ill be pretty scared, yeah. And all insects of the grasshopper family. Grasshoppers, crickets, locusts, I really freak out when I walk through a field of them jumping all over me. And see one up close on you? OMG Ill resort to using text I cant stand em so much.
I've always been afraid of getting lost alone in a cave. You'd be in confined space with no sky and lots of dark corners and holes. Eventually your light source would run out and everything would turn pitch black, darker than anything you've ever experienced before in your life. You'd probably go insane from loneliness, paranoia, or both. In the end you'd die from thirst, or starvation if you're by a water source and it doesn't poison you or make you sick. If that doesn't kill you falling in an unseen hole will, or not. Instead of receiving a lethal blow from that you may just end up breaking a bunch of bones and dying from infection or an aforementioned cause, after a long period of suffering from the pain caused by your fall. Of course it's not just the fact that you will die, but that you will die all alone with no one around to even know that you're gone.
Of course this can all be avoided if you don't go caving alone, make sure people know where you are and when you're supposed to get back, and if you get lost or separated you make sure to stay put so help can find you.
I mean love as in plain old boy and girlfriend hugging and kissing etc, like with someone you actually love. Sex if you want whatever, as winston said interpret with what you wish ;P
Mole you dont believe in anything after death? Cmon man you gotta think of something i kinda believe when you die, whatever you believe will happen upon your death will actually happen, so if my theory is right you should make something up and believe it, you do not want to get stuck in limbo belieeeeeeeeeeeeve me.
Im afraid of winston appearing behind me in a random game of halo hahahaa
OH actually i think the thing im afraid of most is if when you die you can still see, smell hear and everything, your just paralysed and cant do anything, no breathing or anything just seeing whats happening around you, which would be absolutely HORRIBLE because imagine it, your friends and loved ones walking up to you at your funeral crying saying they miss you then you get put in a dark box for eternity until it rots away and maggots feast on your corpse. All while your awake and unable to do anything.
Now thats something worth being afraid of, not spiders or crap like that haha, although i had a dream about spiders the other night! I was in my house and there were TONS of little tiny spiders but theyre just teeny spiders so i thought nothing about it, i went out and had an awesome date with a girl (The same girl apparantly had a dream about dating me as well xD) and when i got back the spiders were friggin HUGE like 20cm big and there were LOADS AND LOADS OF THEM like you walk ANYWHERE and they drop down on you, they werent like nice little crawly spiders, they were massive flying bug pieces of sh*t!!!!
eh, I don't understand why if you're afraid of bugs you want them dead. I have absolutely nothing against having bugs around me - as long as they're alive. Sitting next to a corpse, whether it's a human, mammal, or bug, just makes me ewww.
maybe the only exception is one specific kind of bugs, I don't know if you have them in USA. You know, the kind of lil bugs that walk in the snow in early spring or late winter when it starts melting, they traumatised me when I was young. This year especialy we had some really huge ones, I had never seen any of those so big, I didn't want to go walk in the snow for a few weeks.
Apart from that I don't think I got any fear to bugs or to anything else in fact
I know im gonna be fine with love, its just ive had pretty much a girlfriendless life (other than a couple but that wasnt actually love, it was more pity). Not that fun. I got someone who realy really loves me right now but im not 100% towards her. Shes a lovely person though and we can talk for hours and hours and hours even on the phone Haha. Age differences, see.
Im 17, shes 14. 15 in 18 days which i think aint so bad, just if we stay together for a long time and the ages are 18 and 15 that sounds not so good, society does nae agree. I dont give a sh1t about sex though, so that isnt an issue.
'Tis. I dont believe in what i said about senses still going on, its just something that would be REALLY REALLY nasty. Like, really really. REALLY. Unimaginably horrible....
Yeah... Im just so unsure about the girl though.. Its such a hard decision to make.. I do really like her though, just something about it makes me slightly unsure and i dont know what that is, but i think its the age differences....!
I dunno if people will accept that though. Mind you she might be a bit nervous about this too. You say you don't care about sex, which I believe, but other people won't. Most obviously her parents.
I'm a witch. I'll curse you. Raawwwwwwrrrrrrr
heh, thy is right. if I were the father of a 14 year old girl I wouldn't like it if she was going out with a 17, even if he is as straight laced as you
A pornographic scene in which a large group of erect men proceed to engage a smaller number of women (the ratio usually being of the order 8:1, men:women). Due to the carefully planned and well organized platoon, the women are unable to escape the brutal pussy pillaging that awaits them. Any attempt of escape is punished with vicious mushroom slaps and anal penetration. No prisoners are taken...