Glabal warming is bull****. The earth is actually cooling more than warming. And if you want to classify a name, its Climate CHange. Global warming is untrue.
Yeah, you see, what I said. Theres a cracked article on how global warming is good, someone look it up, its an interesting read.
Im all for an ice age though. Going to make my capitol in Antarctica after north and south korea reunite and start the third world war. Ill gain political power and start a settlement in antarctica, make it my country, and build a stockpile of inter global nuclear bombs.
I have to say i do not believe the world will end in 2012 my friend, not at all, but change massively, what could wake the people up better from their dreary lifes of just waiting to die than nature taking the earth back from the humans. I mean seriously, when we got here we started off as just an animal, exactly the same as a horse or something for example. But we built our way up to what society is today, i say we've come a pretty long way, wouldnt you guys? I mean, we see things these days like Ipod Touches, the incredible technology of today making things that nature never intended somehow.. How we have managed to make these incredible things by figuring it out as a species is just astonishing and calls into question (for me at least), how long is it going to be until mother earth decides to "Reset the clock"? Send us back to where we were when we started or very close at least, yes it will have to be a monumentally huge event, but remember, this is just another little thing happening in this incredibly mahussive universe, trust me on other worlds, if there is life and a species that produces in any kind of similar way to us, they will experience massive changes just like we have to.
Ok im not sure if anyone will actually read that and understand what i actually meant, because im going to read it through another time and learn some stuff from what i wrote here, im absolutely positive that it makes sense, if only i have worded it right, which is a difficult thing to do right now i assure you.
It was about Nature taking back the earth from the humans before we take it over and its too late so its impossible for it to go back to its original beauty before we left our greasy marks all over this poor planet and its incredible life sustaining abilitys, because really, we owe our lives and more, our souls to this planet, and we go treating it like crap honestly, it doesnt sound good to me but i think its real.
Im not sure about global warming, maybe its involved with 2012 somehow i just find it hard to think about what could actually happen on a realistic term.
Theres no such thing as a natural balance. If nature takes over, things still go extinct and species reign supreme. All of the national protected parks and stuff aren't protecting the same things anymore cuz they all changed.
I'm a witch. I'll curse you. Raawwwwwwrrrrrrr
actually in english today there was a chart we had to fill out. improtant things in life, It was liek in colums, with a specific thing, and 1 - 10 as to how important.
Wealth Family Life Education Stuff like that
and two blank spaces for us to think of something else. I put
Practical Weapon Knowlege 10
Teacher asked why and I said if i need to kill people.
Oh the class has like 20 guys, its filled with testosterone. Im seriously the most normal one. And the teacher knew I was joking, she laughed.
First essay last week, I was going to write about cyanide and how good a poison it is, but I couldnt find anything, so I wrote about how deadly australia is
NO its english 11 <-- eleventh grade english. My only normal class. So Im with all the idiots in my grade. Other classes are advanced ahead of the idiots i usually have to deal with.
No a smartass wanting to leave class, we had to write our topic and show her.
oh I think that's the messy version of hotmail I have, when I receive an email it says the name of the person instead of the email address, so you probably received mine labelled by my RL name
lol and today it was funny, in history class we went on a website to see who was our first ancestor to come in New-France (French american colony), mine was called Jean Bertran dit Toulouse dit Raymond