In Italy there's a similar game: Obbligo (obligation), Verità (truth) o Giudizio (opinion).
You make turns, when it's your turn you choose one of those things. Obbligo means people can obligate you to do something, Verità means you must tell the truth to a question, Giudizio means you must give an opinion 0-10 on a person.
Every time ive played this game before its ended in either a huge argument or someone being forced to do something completely ridiculously stupid and then the game ending after that so that nobody else has to do anything anywhere near as bad as what that person had to do.
Or on one occasion, no arguments and it somehow broke out into a game of Ouija board. And i recall falling off a skateboard from trying a handstand, even though it was almost pitch dark, in the middle of a forest that was supposedly haunted.
Not quite sure how that managed to happen, but i do remember parts of it, it was a loooong time ago though haha.
Yes. Theres nothing wrong with my hair. Im not even joking when i say ive had numerous requests from girls to either touch, stroke, straighten or just play with my hair.
Only downside is that when im skateboarding it makes the board slightly harder to see. But thats the ONLY bad thing.
Ok guys, my grandma gave me a fifty dollar bill, so help me decide what to buy at walmart. Im going to get a real present, enough with the damn clothes!
Any new electronic stuff? I havent been into games a whole lot lately, I want to get something fun.
Well in no less than 3000 words, I declare this full sentance a paragraph as well and answer your question.
New Question: Mole, show the rest of us pictures of your pussy! Thy showed me a picture, you have two very healthy looking pussies!
Um... Dont take this the wrong way. But when you just sit there, staring and smiling at me, its nice. But when you hold that stare for 20 minutes, its a bit unnerving.
Love ya all the same...
(Dont blow this out of proportion, its not a big deal)