I learned yesterday in class that you can indeed divide a number by zero without causing a black hole. It was explained logically and makes alot of sense.
As you can see, as you divide a number by another, the closer to zero you get, the larger the number increases by. Therefore dividing by zero equals infinity. Weird huh? But you can do it, calculators just can't display an infinity sign.
ah but while we know a specific number for 0 amount, which is nothing, you dont' know how small a number can get, which is infinitely small in decimals, so the number can infinitely be smaller for division which results in an infinitely large number as the answer.
Basically since you can never reach zero because decimals can be infinitely small, there is no end to infinity when dividing by zero.
No you're right. Negative infinity is possible with the infinitely small number close to zero on the negative side. on the positive side its just positive infinity with infinitely small numbers close to zero. reaching zero is confusing, because you're right, i didnt think of that. Maybe
damn, i think you girls are right. Its just another paradox. The closer to zero you get the closer to infinity you get, but actually dividing by ZERO is unknown still.
The closest you get to 0 with negative decimal numbers as divisors, the smaller (closer to -∞) number you get as quotient. The closest you get to 0 with positive decimal numbers as divisors, the bigger (closer to +∞) number you get as quotient. Fact is, dividing by 0 is a paradox as solutions of X/0 would be both +∞ and -∞, but X/0 is a linear equation, therefore there CAN'T be 2 real solutions. That is a paradox.
But yea i think this is really really interesting too, i loved physics when i had it in school and regret not taking it because it was the only subject i got a B in my GCSE's when i got C's all round for everything else.
Do you know how to get a repeating decimal? Last year in Algebra II we learned how to convert a repeating decimal to a fraction. Here.
Start with 0.333... Its an easy one to represent. Repeating 3 is just one third. And the same for 0.666... Its two thirds. BUT I learned that if you divide the number by nine it makes the number repeat.
WRP, you dont understand. 0.999... is 0.999... and 1 is 1. You cant make two different numbers equal each other. But the logic supplied by me and windows contradicts it. There is no set answer though. Its a paradox.
is essentially 1. For any practical purpose theres no difference. Mathematically theres a lot of things like this. But its incorrect thinking. Like the achilles and the turtle thingy.
Turtle does 1m, Achilles does 10m, thus the turtle is 1m ahead of achilles. Turtle then goes 1m and achilles 10m, so Achilles is 8m ahead of the Turtle.
That isn't the response.
The right paradox is this: Achilles can't reach the turtle because 10 metres are 100 cm, 1000 mm etc. and 100000000000... of smaller units, thus reaching infinite units, but, as fast as he goes, he still can't get past ∞ units, because ∞ is the positive end of the number line that in fact doesn't have an end. So Achilles can't get past the turtle. Slowpoke.