Smurfs and multiple accounts per member as means to spam are completely un tolerated. Also, there will be many changes in my avatar for a while, as I cannot decide on a cool avatar. Thank you.
And I suspect this DavidJSpetch is likely to be a smurf or joke by someone here, and will try to find out. If it is, it's not funny. Do you see my angry face? >:(
On the grounds that DavidJSpetch account here is legit and the real person, then I would like to welcome him and his remarkable insights and beliefs to our humble forum, and hope that mister Spetch enjoys his stay here. Everyone be on your best behavior for him, we have a celebrity here.
That will be all.
And if this was a joke, then who ever did it made a fool of me as well, so I'm going to be even madder!
Don't worry I am not one of your regular forummers
I just stumbeld on your DavidjSpetch douchebag thread and saw that you guys are accually liked minded to us. We both "love" this hate preaching deleuded idiot called DavidJSpetch.
so dont worry about any spam we just wanted to share our work on davidJSpetch with you guys.
so yes plz check the links to see for yourself and enjoy them!
David Jeffrey Spetch fan club. davidJSpetch David J Spetch for president!!
Youtube fanclub for DavidJSpetch: Just check the links and all should be clear for you guys
Don't you know the famous homophobe and hate preacher DavidJSpetch? DavidJSpetch is the best AoM scenario designer there has ever lived! He is also a guru who spreads hate speech across the internet and recently somebody threw some money around and now David J Spetch has a group of stalkers
I was pretty sure it was David, and this is a joke.
Trust me Charlie, DavidJSpetch would reply on a flaming, insulting, trolling, hatefull way if he would post here.
If you are curious how our deluded hate preacher David Jeffrey Spetch would post I suggest you check the only forum on the internet which will never ban him. (It happens to be also the same forum where our hate preacher from Hamilton Canada ran away from, weird? yes but its true DavidJSpetch basicly ran away  because he could not deal with humour.
Just check on google for this DavidJSpetch fan article: AoM Scenario Designers should be persecuted = fact!
According to David Jeffrey Spetch it works like this: If they ban you it means you have won He did ban his fans from his youtube channel so that means the DavidJSpetch fans have won ( yes i know its deluded reasoning but our hate preaching guru David J Spetch is a deluded weedhead, MOAR WEED PLZ!)
-- Edited by SpetchJDavid on Sunday 28th of November 2010 07:30:36 AM
David Jeffrey Spetch fan club. davidJSpetch David J Spetch for president!!
Youtube fanclub for DavidJSpetch: Just check the links and all should be clear for you guys
Hah, you're from the place where they speak Dutch. That google page has a thing which can be translated to English from Dutch. And you're quite an amusing fellow.