Well, I have decided to write a story. At first I had no idea what to write about, so I went over to some random story generator, wrote down a few things that popped up on it, then mixed and matched until I came up with what I have now. It is not complete, and as such I shall not post it. I'll finish it tomorrow and post it here to see what you think. Note: I'm talking about the 'theme'/plot/characters/whatnot not the actual story that I'll post tomorrow. I'd be grateful for some feedback. Thank you very much.
I might post some music to go with it, which wont be pop-crap, rather an instrumental-ish thing, so noone should have a problem with it being too 'justin bieber' or too screamo or stuff like that.
So yeah... expect an edit/new post here tomorrow in the [Aussie] morning, which I'm sure is night over in America... I think... so yeah...
This is the errr... well the setting I guess...
In the future, Humankind has expanded to have colonised most of our wn solar system, as well as a few planets of two other solar systems. How did Humankind come to aquire such technology as to be able to send human beings to another solar system? [Cliche] They found an artifact buried in the seabed while drilling for oil. [Cliche/]
This artifact gave them magical powers after they began implanting tiny replicas into most of the population. With these powers, they were able to make their spaceships shift into 'hyperspace', allowing them to reach the closest of stars fairly quickly and somewhat safely.
Soon, on some of the furthest flung colonies, the colonists came up with an idea. An old idea from their ancestors of old. That magic is evil. At first, they were the wronged ones, the odd ones out, the few fighting against many. They preached to people their beliefs and reasoning behind why magic is evil. Some were convinced of these beliefs, and joined them. The others, those who didn't join, weren't convinced, were killed in violent revolts.
Now, the news of mass murder against the magic-users seems to be spreading inwards from those farthest of colonies. If this is not stopped soon, it will be civil war. Humanities first battlefield among the stars.
Wadda you think? I realise its not exactly Tolkien, but it is start. Suggestions?
-- Edited by somerandomdude on Thursday 20th of January 2011 12:27:26 AM