Yeah. So first of all, this place has gone... wierd.. somehow... anyway thats not important.
Okay. So for the past year or something I have been casually posting in something known as a 'RP' in a forum known as the 'Sporum'. In the spoiler below I shall post what I have written for criticism by yourself. It is long, I must warn you, very long.
Why have I done this? I am thinking... of writing a book/novel/story. I need to inprove my writing skills first. And I need your help...
It was based loosely on the evolution aspects of Spore, so there's alot of 'timeskipping' in there. Like 'One thousand years later, they invented the wheel' kinda thing.
I think I've forgotten to meantion something but I'll just post this for now.
Any and all help is appreciated.
NOTE: The story will not be based on this nor anything like it, this is just a review of my writing skillzees. Thank you all.
EDIT: Phuk its too long... okay wait a second...
The Story
When the Frogs crawled out of the sea, you would not have recognised them as the ancestors of what the species will become. Dark blue in colour, the head was little more than a small bulge coming from the top of the round body. Their eyes were small and not used to direct sunlight, nor the relatively cold air. Their legs and feet were large and clumsy, having no knees yet. Close observation would reveal two small bumps on either side of the body which would undoubtedly evolve into arms in a few million years.
While beginning life small, clumsy and confused, the Frog species soon adapted well to their new habitat, a forever hostile jungle, with acidic soil deadly to any outside creature, many blood-sucking parasites and many other great dangers. To adapt to these conditions, the Frog race evolved a green skin colour to hide from predators, a natural immunity to the acidic soil, a thick, slimy coat that is extremely poisonous to most other creatures and, remarkably, they evolved to stand on two hind legs, so as to have a means of intimidating would-be predators. The afore-mentioned stumps evolved into arms, ending in sticky amphibious hands with which to climb trees, and so gain the bounty of delicious fruits at the top. The Frog race was well on its way to sentience.
The Frog race, throughout the last 10 million years, have continued to evolve incredibly fast, though not physically, in fact, physically, the Frog race has barely changed, other than growing greener, and developing a white underside, as well as standing slightly more upright. Indeed, the true changes have been in the intelligence of the species. The average frog's brain has almost doubled in size, allowing for more complex interactions between the different members of the species, as well as between members of other species. With this new-found intelligence, most frogs had soon 'sussed out' some basic survival tricks for living in their environment. What creatures to avoid, what fruits are the best, general territory of rival and friendly species ect. The frogs were becoming ever closer to a whole new level of existence...
10 million years past
There was a twist... the one tribe (mentioned before), which happened to be quite close to a densely populated jungle, a jungle in which the frog species thrived, happily going about their comparatively short lives. The Tribe was about to migrate to a less hostile, slightly cooler place, a forest. Before they made this great journey, they had to pack supplies such as food, and as they had exhausted all fruit plants in the immediate area (they were herbivores), they decided to send a group of fruit hunters into the jungle, where they came across a Frogs nest. Realising that the frogs could climb trees so easily, and that the best fruits were the ones that grew at the top, they tried to tame the frogs. Fortunately for them, it worked, Frogs being as friendly as they are, and with the help of these 7 tamed frogs, quickly gathered many fruits. The Tribe took with them on their journey the Frogs as their first domestic pets, and that is how the two main sub-species of frog came to be, the jungle frogs, with dark green skin and grey-white underbellies, and the forest frogs, with lighter colours and generally more 'fight' in them, as they had to fight more than they did in the jungle as their camouflage slowly adapted. One big change among the forest frogs was also that their skin gradually became less sticky and slimy and eventually lost its poisonous properties due to the lack of dangerous blood-sucking insects and parasites.
The Frog race was now split in two, and though this had little effect while the Frogs enjoyed the simplicity of creaturehood, but this was a crucial turning point in all of frog history...
The Frogs of the forest, after having lived closely to the Tribe for some time, noticed how the Tribe depended on a strange, red, flickering light. It seemed to give off warmth, but if you got too close, it hurt. It gave off light, to ward off night predators, but, it was dangerous, if not cared for and tended to, it would expand and take the life and colour out of all it touched. Understanding this much, and having grown a mutual trust between themselves and the Tribe, the Frogs of the forest did not fear this strange light, as most other creatures did.
The Frogs of the forest soon began to make themselves shelters, such as burrows, leaves-over-heads ect. With this, their brains grew more and more.
While all this evolving was taking place within the forest, the Frogs of the jungle had spread far and wide throughout their massive jungle. Once a pack had found a place which they liked, that was where they stayed for generations before that part of the jungle was unsuitable for one reason or another. Other than this continual migration, the Frogs of the jungle were content and relatively safe within their packs. The jungle Frogs neither lived near a tribe, nor did they want to change their lifestyle, and so, they were to be left behind by their long lost cousins of the forest.
The Frogs continued their migratory pattern, until they finally reached the edge of the jungle. This took some 500 years to happen, but when it did, it had a lasting impact. Some packs walked out into the rolling plains before them, some began a journey to the nearby mountain, and some simply turned around, and walked back into the jungle. Those who turned and went back into the jungle were the Jungle Frogs. Those who settled on the plains were the Plains Frogs, and those who turned towards the towering mountains were the Mountain Frogs. Each adapted to their new environments, over time changing colour, changing mindset, evolving into many various types of sub-species of Frog.
Plains Frogs became tolerant of others, as their survival depended on their many allied species, as there was little of anything out on the plains. One such species, the Dronk, happened to eat insects, one of the many foods the Frogs enjoy. The Dronk had a very special way of luring insects, as it was too slow and lumbersome to effectively go out and catch them. Much like the Angler Fish of Earth, the Dronk would glow at night, attracting insects of all kinds, who would then become stuck by the Dronks watery skin and absorbed. The Frogs would hang around the Dronk at night and catch as many insects as they could. Another such alliance is with the Whineo, a huge, tough creature, near enough to the top of the food chain. The Whineo would provide shade for the Frogs during the hot summer, as well as keeping them safe from almost all predators. In exchange the Frogs would pick the painful parasites which like to bite the Whineo, off of its skin. Plains Frogs lived a life of one service in exchange for another.
The Mountain Frogs became more grey-green as they slowly migrated up the mountain-side. They became hostile towards other species as anything that lived on the mountain was most likely hungry and not interested in alliances. The Frogs would survive by digging into the mountain with their evolved diamond-hard spikes at the end of their fingers, much like nails, only harder. Roughly 1-3 meters into the mountain grew "veins" of a pitch black liquid substance which was surprisingly nutritious. This liquid substance seemed to "pulse" outwards from the centre of the mountain. In addition to this, the soft, slimy skin of the earlier Mountain Frog was eventually replaced by a harder, 'crust' under-which lies the normal soft skin. This could be looked upon as a kind of natural armour, though far more agile.
The Forrest Frogs continued trying to mimic the way the Tribe would create the mystical flickering light, but without success. The Frogs did not give up, though, utterly determined to become like their friends, the Tribe, and be able to control the limitless power of the flame.
: After many, many years of relentless experimenting and mimicking the behaviour of the Tribe, the Frogs finally discovered the secret of fire, a special seed, crushed between stones and mixed with water to make a goo. They then bash it with a stick until the stick lights on fire. Soon, instead of merely relying on their pets to gather their own food, the members of the Tribe began to share their own strange food they had discovered with the Frogs, Black Liquid from the nearby mountains. The Frogs became addicted to this Liquid, and gave up eating anything else. Soon the Tribe was forced to move to a far away ocean, and they had to leave the Frogs behind. The Frogs were devistated, but owing to the necessity of this black liquid, they were made to settle near the mountains. Soon enough, they began to pile together sticks and leaves into little shelters like the Tribe had once done. These soon became wooden huts, thick branches being the 'skeleton' holding up a sheet of stitched reeds from the conveniently nearby pond. Living so close to the mountains attracts dangerous and resilient predators, requiring more than just frantic bites and scratches and kicks to defeat. Frogs experimented with various stick-shapes and rock types, searching for the ideal weapon. During one such search, a Frog Chieftain discovered a deep passageway into the mountain. With the whole tribe, he descended into the undiscovered depths of the mountainside. After a long and perilous journey, relying on the luck of finding a vein of Black Liquid for survival and losing more than half the tribe to predators, poisons and other perils, the tribe discovered a dangerous and powerful secret hidden since the planet's formation within the very heart of the mountain. A brain. A massive, pulsing brain, oozing purple goup and surrounded by what seemed to be a psychic barrier.
This brain was at the heart of the mountain, and so the tribe came to the logical conclusion that this mountain, and any other mountain, was and is a living thing[The Frogs knew next to nothing of medicine and biology at this point in time, though it was clear to anyone that this brain was a living thing]. After this encounter, and the perilous journey back out of the mountain, this tribe, the Groa'ul Tribe, were the first of the species to create religion. The Groa'ul worshipped the mountain, and regarded the Black Liquid as sacred to be consumed only by the most honourable members of the tribe. The rest of the tribe just had to eat the original Frog diet of insects, fruits, small creatures and herbs. Due to this sudden and dramatic change in nutrition, many of the Frogs of the Groa'ul fell sick, as their bodies desperately tried to revert back to rough survival, after the long and bountiful flow of nutritious black liquid. Some survived, but many died and the tribe was on the brink of extinction. There was division as some Elders thought this was a punishment from the Great Mountain for drinking from it's bounty, but others thought all the tribe should go back to the black liquid. The tribe soon became two. The Groa and the Uld. The Groa starved themselves of the black liquid and died of a horrible disease taking advantage of their bodies' vulnerable state. The Uld survived, and with the nutritious black liquid supplying their bodies, survived the disease of the Groa without a single casualty, though their food stocks [other then the liquid] weren't so lucky. This loss of all other food made the Uld become completely dependent upon the black liquid.
: Regarding physical appearance, the Frogs of the Forrest are generally more straight-back then the Mountain Frogs, who seem to be turning more and more 'golem-like' every passing century. Regardless, they have begun to develop some sense of civilisation and culture, creating simple stone knives to more easily ward-off predators. Within the packs, they have started to form a simple system of hierarchy; Chiefs are selected by single-combat challenges, to the death. A class of Shamans has been noticed, those who have been born with above-average brain functions are said to have the 'gift'. Gatherers gather black liquid in stone-carved pots while carvers carve weapons and said pots out of stone. Warriors are given more carefully crafted stone knives and protect all the tribe from predators and enemies. One, final thing the Mountain Frogs have evolved is a powerful sense of honour, they would rather die than be beaten in battle and take great pride in care for their knives. These are a nomadic people and never settle in one spot for more than a year.
Plains: The Frogs of the Plains have been busily finding ways to make other species like them and perhaps even ally with them. They have developed a series of wooden masks designed by the dreams of the 'Wise Men', a group of shamans per tribe who eat special 'herbs' which give them enhanced senses, allowing for them to 'read' the intentions of others and so warn the tribe to act on them. The Plains Frogs have also tamed the Xorsa species and ride them to cover much more distance than on foot, and for ceremonial purposes. The class of 'Riders' lead by the Son-of-the-Chief are the tribes scouts and protection, though very rarely actually are needed as no one wants to destroy the peaceful Frogs... almost no one. The Chief is usually very wise and is chosen by a 'battle of the wits', rather than the more savage single combat of the Mountain Frogs. In this challenge, the current Chief and the Challenger attempt to leave the other answerless by asking philosophical questions to one another. These Plains Frogs are also nomads, moving with the migration of the Oskari herds, their primary source of food. The weaponry of the Plains Frogs is basic ceremonial spears and stone axes. The spears are dressed with all sorts of strings and feathers, showing the status of the Warrior. Living in basic tepee huts, readily able to be moved at a moment's notice.
Jungle: The remaining Jungle Frogs have been steadily declining in numbers during the past few centuries. There are now only 200 or so left alive, hunted by predators, ravaged by diseases from the Northern Forests and decimated by an inexplicable mass evaporation of water, leaving the seas at 80% full for a week, before unleashing great floods upon the land, washing away masses of Jungle, along with the many creatures living within. After such traumatic events, the Jungle Frogs have not yet followed in their lost cousins' footsteps, staying simple creatures and evolving very little compared to many other species. This new age of Tribes is beginning to look like the end of the direct descendants who started Frog life on the planet, the Jungle dwelling Frogs.
Uld Tribe
: The Tribe has now invented a range of weaponry, spears, bows and arrows, blow darts [using the poison of the amphibious Raectl creature] and a primitive wooden armour [covering the lower arms and back]. In addition to this, the Tribe's numbers have more than tripled in a time space of only 50 years. The Tribe now has 70 odd members, along with some of the most advanced weaponry on the continent; they could well wage a great tribal war across most of the known continent. However, perhaps their Shaman-Chief knows the disastrous effects this would have on everything, or he has not yet realised how powerful the tribe has become, but they don't seem to be preparing for war any time soon...
Plains Tribes: Among the Plains, not much evolving or inventing has been going on, or at least, noticeably going on. The Frogs of the Plains have become three main nomadic tribes, the Kropaki, the Hetaku'hwo, and the Weyap'i Tribes. They try to keep the peace, with only a few conflicts every now and then. All in all, the Plains Frogs have had an uneventful time.
Forrest Tribes: The Forrest Tribes have been dominated by the Uld Tribe, the Uld taking most if not all of the black liquid veins at the base of the mountain, forcing the other Tribes to move further up the mountain. The result of this was a slightly slower evolution to a similar form as the Mountain Frogs, only more peaceful. The Forrest Tribes, with their dependency on the Black Liquid, have become much more intelligent, and are starting to show signs of tactics and common-sense in where they migrate to, though they rarely move once they have found a spot they like.
Mountain Tribes: Eating only black liquid creates less stress upon the body, thus leaving room for the mind to grow and evolve far quicker then creatures who hunt or forage for food, which may or may not give all the required nutrition. The Mountain Tribes had soon become the most intelligent sub-species of Frog, though they had still not evolved fire. They began to carve out their own caves in the mountainside to live in. These caves were soon decorated with a primitive form of architecture which made for more easy living. The Mountain Tribes also recorded their history in carved tablets, called Tok'Ora, or History. With this evolution, the Mountain Tribes also realised the importance of teamwork, and learning. They began teaching their young ones in professions chosen by the Shamans out of Carving, Recording [history], Fighting, Diplomacy, Apprentice [to Shaman] or Leader. Leaders were chosen, and grew up under intense training, for their sole purpose in life was to beat the current Chieftain in combat and lead the tribe. Similarly, the Fighters grew up learning how to skilfully wield the stone blade, club-mace and the Neri'mar [a stone kepesh-like weapon]. The fighters’ purpose in life was to protect the tribe, or die trying. The Diplomats settled all kinds of arguments, within the tribe and with other tribes, and also deals with inter-tribal relations. Most Tribes grew to over 20 members.
Uld Tribe
: Peace reigned over most of the Forrest Tribes. The Uld Tribe had grown to a massive [well, massive for a tribe] 250 members, as well as beginning to trade weapons, tools, wood and black liquid with the other Forrest and Mountain Tribes. The Uld developed a Shaman Council, lead by the Great Shaman-Chief, leader of the Uld. This council of Elders makes most of the major decisions for the tribe, and creates the laws to which the tribal members must abide.
Mountain Tribes: Among the few Mountain Tribes, one has become the major ruler of the mountain, the Grippl'i Tribe. Consisting of 78 Tribal Members, this Tribe intimidated most of the other Mountain, and a few Forrest Tribes into submission, being ruled and paying tribute to the Grippl'i. The remaining Tribes, mainly the higher-altitude Mountain Tribes and some of the Forrest Tribes who chose to get involved, have formed a 'Resistance', lead by a Chieftain Council consisting of each of the Tribe's Chiefs. Luckily, so far there have been only minor skirmishes and few casualties, but unless one faction gives in soon, the entire mountain will be ablaze with hatred and death. A minority of council members on either side suggested an alliance between the two factions, but these few are far outnumbered, as tension grows and more and more warriors on either side become tired of peace. The Frogs want war, a decision they may end up to regret for all of time...
Plains Tribes: On the contrary to the Tribes of the mountains, the three major powers of the Plains Tribes have united into one major and all powerful alliance, The Lak'auri. With widespread peace, the Plains are almost a paradise away from the many wars across the continent, not only the Frogs, but of the many other Tribes spread across the entire world, almost as if the world itself was calling for war and bloodshed.
Notable heros:
Nay'mis is the Shaman-Chieftain of the Grippl'i. In combat he uses his mighty spells and Ney'mari stone weapon. Nay'mis is rumoured to be the Son of the Mountain God himself, the reason why he has been able to create such a powerful tribe.
Kelmash, Honoured Champion of the Grippl'i, honed his skills fighting the rare Ulath creatures, tough skinned, four armed creatures with deadly sharp claws. Kelmash fights with a Club-Mace and his Stone Blade. Kelmash wears armour made of the skulls and spines of the creatures he's killed in battle. He is a terrifying foe to fight.
Grek'tar is the Chief of the Dormai'i Forest Tribe. He is a powerful defender, never giving up if he believes it will bring justice and peace to his Tribe. Grek'tar fights with a spear and highly decorated wooden armour.
Derikara'ni, the first female warrior in Southern Frog History [Southern Frogs: Mountain & Forest Tribes]. She is a driven fighter, though not the greatest. Derikara'ni fights with a Club-Mace, basic woden armour and a short, poisoned spear.
Porekta'k: The Chieftain of one of the Mountain Tribes resisting Grippl'i rule, Porekta'k fights with a Stone Blade and a specially made scythe, a Ney'mari attached to the end of a spear. Porek'tak is not an exceptionally noteable warrior or leader, but has show some courage in facing the Grippl'i head on.
Many other minor Chieftains of the other tribes following both factions.
The Battle
The two armies met on a clearing of the forest at the base of the mountain. This gave the Resistance a clear home-ground advantage, though leaving a huge opportunity for either side to be ambushed. The Grippl'i came down a treacherous-looking mountain passage, moving in what was presumibally meant to resemble some form of a disiplined march, though looking more similar to a mob carrying weapons rushing to taste the blood of their enemies. Nay'mis and Kelmash walked side by side and took guesses as to which forest passage the enemy would emerge from.
The Grippl'i army of about 250-300 marched into the clearing, taking up just under less then half of the space within the clearing. They expected the enemy to meet them upon the field of battle with honour. They were right. The Resistance army slowly emerged from the forest right in front of their foes.
The two armies stood, only just 10 meters apart. One side was filled with snarling and ginning, the air above filled with spears and club-maces and stone knives. The other was somewhat more disciplined, a force of 200-250 warriors standing in rough lines, each armed with a spear and wooden armour. The fighters of either side continuously yelling insults at each other, preparing for the second when the leaders gave the word.
There was the sound of a huge warhorn from the Grippl'i army, and the Grippl'i charged furiously towards the opposition. The Resistance army was yelled orders by the various commanders and chiefs, and though no one could hear anything over the screaming of the enroaching Grippl'i, the Warriors almost instinctively knew what to do. The Warriors of the Resistance lowered their spears to that the Grippl'i would be skewered on the spear-wall, and raised their shie;ds so as to protect themselves. This is the first recorded use of proper battle tactics. As the Grippli charging on the frontlines finally realised the spear-wall, it was too late to slow down. Frog after Frog was skewered upon the wall of spears, which soon collapsed under the weight of all the bodies. The Restist. fighters at the front were cut down and crushed in a flurry of stone blades and maces. A bloody and desperate melee then broke out, as skin and bone and armour alike was smashed apart, and many fighters were ruthlessly impaled with spears and death overcame them. Many warriors, with their last breaths, looked upon the skies, and noticed how dark and gloomy a day it was, before being delivered the final blow.
Kelmash left the side of his Chief, shoving his own warriors aside so he could get to the enemy. When he finally made it close, an enemy noticed him an charged towards him, weapon raised in the air. Kelmash, with a dead-serious look upon his face, held the enemie's arm up, so his weapon could not descend, and with the other hand, smashed the enemie's face in with his club-mace. With a spurt of blood, the dead warrior collapsed to join the countless other dead corpses lying across the blood soaked battlefield. Another enemy charged him. Kelmash raised up his weapon, holding it on either end with both hands to block the path of the enemie's spear. The rebound of the dodged attack left the enemy momenterilly stunned, and Kelmash smashed his fist into the enemie's solar plexus, leaving him winded and collapsing in pain, though visibly trying his hardest to stay standing. Kelmash grabbed the warrior by his neck, and was hit by an enemy spear from behind, the spear getting lodged into his shoulder. Showing no pain [Kelmash was obviously in a state of blood lust, feeling no pain, only desire to kill], he grabbed the spear, swung it around and impounded it into the side of the warrior. Kelmash quickly impaled the wounded warrior, pushing it in for maximum pain. Kelmash kicked the dying fighter onto the ground, leaving the spear in him. Kelmash started to feel a little sting in his shoulder. "No" he thought "Not now..." Kelmash was loosing his "state of Blood Lust", he would begin to feel pain, remorse for each killing, just like the countless other warriors fighting on the field of battle. "Why?" thought Kelmash "Why are we doing this? Killing so many of our own for power". His loyalty was wavering.
Seeing his greatest Champion standing, thinking while the battle raged around him, the Shaman-Chief instantly knew what was happening. Kelmash was finally going bad, after so many years of loyalty. It made sense, this was the first time he was ordered to kill his own. The battle seemed to be pretty even at this point. Time to step in. Time to make this a clear victory.
Nay'mis signalled his elite bodyguard to follow his, and this they did. He walked to the frontline, and with a flick of his fist, many of the nearby enemy warriors went flying though the air, landing on their comrads at the back of the army. Porekta'k saw this an immediately knew that the Shaman-Chief had joined the fight. He ordered his warriors to push foward and kill the enemy leader, but as they charged in, they were sent away flying, landing on friend and foes and tree alike. Nay'mis was cutting a swath through the Resistance army, Porekta'k had to do something. He charged the Shaman-Chief and caught him by surprise, cutting a painful wound in the back of the enemy leader. Porekta'k, expecting his enemy to still be in shock and confusion, swung for another blow, but the weapon was blocked, held in place by an unseen force. Nay'mis drew his Ney'mari and cut the stone head off of Porekta'k's spear, leaving him with only a short wooden stick to fight with. Attempting to wack the Shaman-Chief on the head, Porekta'k swung the spear towards Nay'mis. The Shaman-Chief flung his hand towards Porektak, and his weapon flew out of his hand and into his face, knocking him out cold. Nay'mis signalled for one of his bodyguard to go and finish off the unconcious Chieftain. Nay'mis was gravely wounded and had to rest. He ordered a retreat.
Fortunately, the Resistance didn't attempt to chase them, having lost most of their number. The Resistance was left with only 77 of their starting 200. The Grippl'i were left with 149 out of their starting 250. Kelmash ignored everything, including the retreat, while he stood still, thinking, pondering... The two armies fell back to tend to their wounded and mourn their heavy losses. Kelmash was left alone, in the middle of a once-green field of blood and corpses.
The Grippl'i recorders sadly recorded the battle into their Stone Tablets. The Resistance fighters and chieftains all returned to their individual tribes. Each and every tribal member felt the weight of sorrows on their hearts, the great loss of life today would not be forgotten. It soon began to rain. The planet itself seemed tro be weeping at this horror. A tornado-like shape formed, slowly connecting to the ground, with lightning shooting through the funnel. The Frogs had seen nothing of it's sort, but knew to fear it. It was huge, terrifying and fast. The Frogs tried to get some sleep, but it was hard, very hard.
The next day, the world seemed to have much more life in it. There seemed to be the sounds of creatures never heard before. Some memebers of some tribes were also missing. A patrol of Warriors was sent by the Grippl'i to retrieve Kelmash, or what was left of him. They searched everything within a km of the battlefield, taking the better part of the day, but never even found a body. Nay'mis came to the decision to ask the 'enemy' tribes if they had seen him. They hadn't, but an alliance was quickly made with them to prevent such bloodshed in the future.
The Uld Tribe
: Two tribal scouts happened to come across the previously mentioned battlefield, discovering grusome rotting corpses being slowly devoured by countless scavenger species. After reporting this back to the Great Chief, the many Shamans mistook this as a sign that the Mountain Gods were displeased. Why? Why would the Gods be so displeased? Many wierd answers were put infront of the Chief by many different shamans, but one stood out. The Gods were hungry, the Tribe took the Black Liquid from the mountain, but returned nothing. They regarded the Black Liquid as the Gods blood, and so, they must return the blood. The Tribe began sacrifices, animals at first, then cutting themselves ritualistically, then, to bloody life sacrifices. It began as one every once and a while, to a group every once and a while, to many often. The Uld knew they could not continue this without killing themselves out, so they sent off warriors to capture slaves for sacrifice. Countless once-friendly Tribes were wiped out. Others just surrendered and must now offer sacrifices out of thier own. A few of the near-by tribes still resist, though, and flee to the mountains to seek refuge among the Grippl'i-Restistance alliance. The Uld dare not attck them... for now, but the Uld Tribe's power grows more and more, every day as hundreds of tribes surrender themselves to the ever growing Uld Tribe.
Mountain/Forest-Mountain Tribes: With the recent influx of Tribes, the Grippl'i have grown to 300+ members, and the average resistance tribe numbers have grown from 150 to 225+. The Grippl'i and the Resistance have evenly divided the Mountain among themselves, each individual tribe given care of a secion of the mountain, depending on how big the tribe is, the bigger tribes are given more land, the smaller tribes less land. The Mountain Tribes, particularly the Grippl'i, have begun to fashion their stone knives longer, eventually becoming a different weapon, the stone sword. Along with this, the intricate details of the caves in which the Mountain Tribes live have evolved, along with the overall intelligence of all the Frog species.
The Plains Tribes: The Plains Tribes have invented a new tool, bone armour. It is essentually a hard bone necklace which is worn and dangles down to protect most of the chest. The Tribal numbers have stayed low, around 50-75 for the major tribes.
The Jungles: The Frogs of the Jungle have finally began using basic stick spears to give themselves a better chance of survival against creatures larger and tougher then themselves. The packs have also grown in numbers, from around 10-15 to 25+.
The Tribe was silent. It was a dark night, and the villagers had little to worry about, safe deep within the forest. One hunter dreamed of a hunt. As he chased the wild creature through the endless green bushes and trees, he came across a Frog. He was clearly from another tribe, as he had different markings on him. As the hunter approched the other Frog, he noticed the other Frog was holding his chest with one hand, he seemed to be in pain. It was only when he got closer, that he realised the other was bleeding from a gaping hole through his lower chest, stretching across his front. Breathing heavily, the other tried to say something. The hunter didnt hear. He moved closer. The other outstretched his other arm in front of the hunter, opening his clenched, bloodsoaked fist. He was carrying his still beating heart, and with an utterly terrified look on his face, he mumbled his same words, this time, the hunter heard. "Run".
The hunter awakened, breathing hard through shock. He looked out through the small holes inbetween the reeds of his hut. It was early morning, still quite dark. Everyone else in the tribe was sleeping still. Then, he noticed a faint, bright blue glow through the leaves of the bushes surrounding the tribe. It got closer, and bigger, and it bumped up and down as if it was something being carried by someone. A Frog appeared out of the bush, carrying a stick burning bright blue flames at the top. He didn't look friendly. Many other Frogs, wearing similar markings appeared behind the first. Then one bigger, stronger looking one appeared, wearing skull armour and signalling the others. The hunter thought he was still dreaming, and sat, staring, dazed. A nearby hut burst into crackling blue flames. This awoke some of the tribal warriors, who quickly grabbed whatever makeshift weapons that were closest. The loud screams of whoever lived in the now burning hut awoke the other tribal members. The hunter finally realised it was not a dream, but too late as one of the raiding Frogs had made it into the hut. The raider stabbed at the hunter with his spear, but the hunter moved aside and grabbed the spear, taking control of it out of the hands of the raider, and wacking him across the head with it. This knocked the raider out cold, and the hunter walked up and delivered the final blow, before racing into the savage melee with his fellow tribal warriors and hunters. One raider, carrying one of the cruelest weapons created by the frogs at the time, a long stick with a looped rope on the end, which would be stealthily positioned around an enemy's neck, then twisted, tightening it, and choking the victim. The raider felled many victims with the weapon, before being struck down while choking another. Heads were smashed and lungs punctured as each and every member of the tribe was either captured and bound or slaughtered. The whole tribe was set ablaze and the surviving captives brought back to the Great Temple-City of Uld, to be sacraficed to the Mountain Gods in order to assure life would continue.
The Uld have advanced beyond simple tribes and stone-heaed spears, they have built themselves a mighty city made of stone [mined elsewhere] and wooden support pillars. The total population has grown to 2530, with the inner city dwellers [typically the richer ruling classes] being fed by the 'food tax' on the liquid farmers outside the city walls. The city has only recently been completed, after a hefty 1600 years of being built by 1000+ workers. The roughly 10,000 workers lived and died building this huge city, transporting the huge stone blocks from the Eastern Mountain Quarry. The Uld were a Civilisation to be feared by all else.
The Grippl'i have also been advancing in order to keep up with the Uld so as to leave no opportunity for them to gain advantage over the Mountain Tribes. They have developed countless new weapons, and have begun digging their villages deeper and deeper into the thick mountain walls. The main Grippl'i city of Gripploa, with 1300 villagers and extending 10km into the surface of the mountain, has developed its own belief system of gods. Damuis, God of the Dead [worshipped in honour of ancestors and the dead], Nemiras, God of the Living[worshipped as thanks for being alive], and Yuatilacht, The Creator of All Things[worshipped as the mountain].
-- Edited by somerandomdude on Monday 21st of February 2011 10:23:49 PM
The Plains Tribe sat, grouped together in front of a flickering blue campfire. This was their traditional council meeting, the tribe would gather and the shamans and elders would speak with the other tribal members and discuss events of importance, what had happened, what it means and what to do about it. This warm night, they were discussing something that happened a few days ago [1 day = 3 Earth Days]. One villager was out gathering berries, when she saw a star moving oddly. She stood and stared at it for a while, and it got closer, and closer, and she realised it was on fire. It crashed to the ground quite close to where she was, about 1km or so. The gatherer went to where it crashed to investigate. By now, everyone in all the nearby tribes had noticed, and each sent it's own group of scouts. The gatherer stood just meters away from the thing. It was unlike anything she could have ever imagined. It was a big, shining thing, glowing many different coloured lights from the inside. This was, in fact, and alien spaceship. There was a creature inside, with a tall, narrow head and grey-brown wrinkled skin. The glass bubble inwhich the creature was in flew off, landing a few meters away. Out crawled the creature. He spoke frantically in some complex, unheard of language. Then, he poked a glowing button on his arm, and the gatherer could inderstand. "Prepare" the aliens said "They are *cough splatter*. . .coming[OOC: shut up you sick minded reader -_-]..."
"Prepare?!?" yelled one villager "preapre for WHAT??!!??, what good is that thing telling us to prepare, when we don't know what to prepare FOR!!??" One shaman seemed to be going into some kind of trance. He got up, and started frantically dancing in the middle of the council. He stopped and gave them their answer. "Prepare. For the end of days"
10 Years later
A Grippl'i warrior stood outside of the cave, on the highest bit of mountain he could climb up to, and sat down to study the heavens. He had always been obsessed with the many glittering dots which seemed to disappear during the day. As he observed one star, it became fainter, and fainter, then disapeared altogether.
Calm Before the Storm
The Warrior, concerned, informed the Shaman of these disappearing stars. The Shaman seemed to be lost for reality for a second, before, with a grave look on his face, giving the warrior his opinion. "These disappearing lights mean nothing. They shine so brightly for so long, now they are resting. They will be back soon, do not fear." The Shaman sat, seemingly calmly while the warrior left the room. The moment the wariior was out of sight, the Shaman quickly ran to warn the Great One of what he had seen. The nightmarish creatures burning frog cities, killing many with rods of 'magical' light. The Great One meditated on it for weeks. Nothing. No answers, no solutions. The Gods would usually guide him to the right answers for his questions, but not now, not this time.
Daily life went on, though some minor panic began as the sky, even during the day, began increasingly darker, and darker. Soon, even during the day, it seemed almost as dark as night. During the night, no stars were present, no moons at all, nothing, just endless dark...
The delicate new social structure the Frogs had taken many thousands of years to evolve, has begun going backwards. The darkness rendered the entire of the Frog species, and most other species completely blind, inable to trade, unable to work, only to sit around, waiting for the light to finally return. Those lucky few who had managed to create a fire in one way or another could see the short distance illuminated by it. The others had no light, no warmth, nothing but the cold, lonely voices of those nearby trying to comfort eachother. Only the Shamans and Seers of the Frogs could continue daily life, using their 'psykic vision instead of eyesight, which greatly increased their importance in and status in society. Many ancient species of trees and plants on the planet died from the complete lack of sunlight. The Tribal Jungle Frogs almost all died of hunger from relying only on sheer luck of stumbling upon something edible. The Plains Tribes, and almost every other creature that lived on the plains gathered around the Dronks , relying on it's insect attraction for their food and for finding a suitable spot to dig for water. The friendliness and pleasantness of the Plains Frogs paid off, as would be predators didn't attack, in exchange for not being attacked by the mob surrounding the creature.
One day, months later, the horison glowed orange-red, giving off what seemed like a bright light to the Frogs, but only because of the months of living in darkness. The light emerged, going higher, and higher into the sky, giving off great heat. The sky literally burned, as a great orange-red flame consumed the darkness and surrounded the planet. The light revealed a sorry sight. Dead, shrivelled-up plants and trees, pale, barren wasteland where the forest once thrived. Animal corpses littered the ground all round, whole species had become extinct. The Frogs of Uld and it's cities and towns crawled out of their houses and huts, slowly, their eyes eventually adjusting to the light. There was a ball of fire in the sky, and debris flew through the atmosphere and crashed into the ground with great force. Unknown by any of the Frogs, this was in fact the ship that just saved them being destroyed by the invaders. The invaders who turned the sky to darkness, and who were now descending upon the planet...
The Druids
The Druids were one of the first species to evolve to space travel in my galaxy, their homeworld being close to the center of my galaxy. They quickly expanded and evolved both technologically and spiritually. They became the Ecologist/Shaman race of my galaxy, evolving their technology to fit in with nature, to look natural and to be graceful, power efficient, as well as durably, strong and powerful. This difficult goal was achieved with an ingenious invention of the Druids, the Sun Core. The Sun Core was developed through the earlier intense studies of the sun carried out by the Druid scientists. They learned a way to create a 'mini sun' core for their colonies, spacecraft and planetary shield generators. This was, in most ways, a shrunken, artificial sun which was at the heart of the power core, surrounded by 'extractor devices', usurping the power of the mini sun, and giving it to all attached systems. This early version was inconvenient, as the mini sun quickly ran out of power, being so many times smaller than a natural sun, and had to go through the difficult process of replacing the tiny, burnt out red dwarf [one teaspoon weighs a tonne] with a new, full operational and white hot mini sun. The technology was soon greatly improved, increasing the time a mini sun ran befor replacement and also allowing for smaller Sun Cores to be created, powering planetary defence cannons and thesmaller classes of ships. Eventually, the Sun Core was improved so well, it only needed replacement every thousand + years, and making it more and more compact. The Druids used the Sun Core to power everything from guns and other smaller weapons and devices to the massive Sun Cores which power the planet-sized space stations of the Druids. The Druids then turned to bringing the joys of nature to all the reaches of the galaxy.
Adain Lakatae rose up and became the solitary ruler of the Druids, marking the beginning of the Golden Age. Adain imposed a more direct approach to the Druids' spirituality and philosphy of giving and sparing life in all forms. They travelled in Life-Fleets to many distant worlds and brought life to most hospitable planets in the galaxy. The other space-faring races of the galaxy were mostly allied with the Druids, and in the cases of some more violent species, brainwashed into an alliance.
All good things come to an end, however, and this Golden Age was no exception. Adain mysteriously passed away, and few Druids applied to inherit the throne. After most of these applicants also mysteriously died or went missing, Agnoman, the last applicant, undertook the leadership of the Druids. Agnoman soon began taking away some ancient moral codes, such as never harming innocents, and replaced them with lies and trickery. He tried to convince the Druids that the lessers were causing great damage to Nature, just by living and nt worshipping it. This began a great crusade against the newly formed Alliance of Great Nations, an alliance of many of the other space-faring civilisations. Many Druids, still true to the old ways, rebelled against the new leader, beginning a crippling Civil War. The followers of Agnoman were beset on all sides, fighting an internal Civil War at the same time as their Crusade, and felt the pressures of war and corruption. The Rebellion was hunted down and annhilated, the many civilisations of the Alliance were individually hunted down by the massive, relentless fleets and innumerable ground soldiers. Agnoman ruled through fear and suppression of all that had the potential to cause another uprising. Most Druids were called to serve in the military during their lifetime, and precious few returned. Above the planets of the Alliance, the Druids used huge Command Ships, with almost impenetrable shields and the 'Cleanser', a massive beam laser beam weapon which could destroy the biggest ship the enemy threw at them in three hits, if not less. Swarming around these Command Ships, lightning fast fighters engaged the smaller enemy ships in dogfights, blasting apart the opposition with their own, lesser beam weapons. On a planet's surface, the Command Ships would land and unload the armies contained within. The basic Druid soldiers fought with 'Purifiers', a sort of hand-held lesser disintegrator pistol, though it took a few shots to fully disintegrate the victim[a general rule, one shot immobilises(through severe strain on body to take the hit), two shots kill]. Another common weapon was the 'Arm of Death', a detachable cybernetic arm which could imitate some of a psykic's abilities(such as psykonesis), as well as others which come with upgrades (such as fire control, shielding abilities, direct mind assault ect.[these upgrades were gained with rank and every soldier started with the basic pk]), as well as create a 'Phase Blade', a blade, which at the mental command of the wearer, would shift out of phase, becoming virtually non-existant according to the senses. Captains would carry a special staff, which has a similar effect when swung and used in battle as Sauron's mace in the Battle of Mount Doom before he was killed. The staff also acted as a fully upgraded 'Arm of Death'.
The Druid fleets continue to this day to crusade against the last surviving member of the Alliance, the Dreniok, who have chosen to fight to the death, the very horrible death that soon awaits them unless assisted...
During the main phase of the Crusade, some of the Alliance just gave up, and they still serve the Druids as slaves, and explore the unexplored portions of the galaxy. One attampt to search for another galaxy was made, the Druids sent out an exploration team of mainly slaves, coicidentally in the direction of [Your Races'] Galaxy. None of these explorers survived the journey though, being killed by a virus they had no supplies to fight. [This your colonisers may come across, presenting another problem...]
When the 'meteorite'[which was actually a spaceship of the Dreniok] crashed far away, a strange alien creature appeared in a mountain villge. [This was, in fact the alien piloting the spaceship who teleported himself to the surface of the planet, and happened to land in the village] The Frogs tried to communicate with the creature, who plainly didn't understand, but tried to learn the language through what they said to him. The Frogs also fed the alien some black liquid, effectively sealing his fate of living out the rest of his life on Dryon.
Another ship flew through the air, landing close to the main Frog city, Uld. The Druid messenger cclimbed out of the scout ship, and walked towards the city. He saw some guards at a distance and ordered them to let him in and talk to their leader. "As you have witnessed, nature is one great power we all need. Your planet was devistated by only a few months without it, but soon, it will be gone... forever" announced the Druid "You, not worshipping nature in the correct way, creates a gap in the power supply nature needs to keep on going. Surrender yourselves to us, and we shall show you how you can save nature, and effectively, the entire galaxy"[the Frogs didn't get the 'save the whole galaxy' bit, but they understood the rest]. The Great WarChief consulted his most trusted group of Shamans, the Council of Elders. He asked the question, they went into a deep trance. They awoke. All members spoke in perfect unison:"This corrupted creature that has come to our world lies to our face. He does not know it, but he himself lives a life of lies. His people have been corrupted by evil leadership. Do not listen to another word of his" With that, two guards lined up behind the Druid, aimed their poisoned blowpipes and shot at the Chief's order. The darts shot out of the pipes, on course for the Druid's neck, and hit their target. The Druid let out a cry of anger and turned to the two guards. "So you have chosen to betray nature. You and all your species shall DIE *drycoughcough*" The Druid slowly collapses towards the ground as the poison takes effect, and, as his final act, presses the locator beacon on his wrist.
After their ordeal with the Druid, albeit a relatively lucky one, the Frogs of Uld felt very empowered indeed. They felt they were unstoppable as they had defeated an enemy from beyond the known world. Full of overconfidence, the Uld began construction on the 'Great Monument', a massive temple made to cellibrate the birth of 'The Empire of Gods', a new, religious oriented Empire, focusing on the worship of most of the Uld Tribes old, almost forgotten gods. They continued the idea of sacrifice, mixed it with the ancient gods and topped it up with the old Uld City supremacy, the idea that the Uld City is the place were gods can walk upon the planet, that the location of Uld is the very location where the gods themselves once fought [a legend based on the afore meantioned tribal battle]and died, the place where they ascended into all powerful beings, where one may also ascend, with proper faith. The Uld were ruled by the 'God' Emperor, embodiment of the God of Frogs himself. The next in charge were the Priests, who replaced Shamans and carried out sacrifices. Then the more revered warriors, the lesser warriors, and the peasantry. The old 'Council of the Elder' was soon disbanded and replaced by a High-Priest Council, a council of selected High-Priests each representing their own chosen god. The Council of the Elders custom was soon picked up by the Grippl'i.
The Mountain Frogs many individual Cities, Towns and Tribes merged into one, mountain-spanning civilisation, ruled by the capital city, Grippl'i, which is ruled by the 'Council of the Elders', a group of the most powerful Psykics throughout the land. They invented a way to use the Black Liquid as a deadly projectile in their blowpipes. The Black Liquid, if burnt, would harden into a poisonous, black rock. This could be smashed to pieces and used. The blowdart was soon replaced with a contraption made with the hard, but surprisingly light [to carry] metals mined in areas near the mountain spice geysers. A long rod was fashioned, then a small hammer attached to a series of small levers and such which increased the power of the second hammer which hit the projectile inside the rod. The levers were made of vines and all the other hammers and such made out of metal. This was powered by a switch which, to make the projectile effective, needed to be pulled back very hardly. This made the weapon quite ineffective at range or stealth missions, but powerful as a short-ranged weapon to be fired once before charging/being charged into melee.
The Jungle Tribes happily hunted and forraged for food with their spears, occasionally running into eachother and either killing or allying with eachother. they were still far behind most other Frogs.
They Arrive From the Stars
The planet Dryon darkened yet again under the great shadow of the Druid Fleet. They were here. The Uld were still enjoying their little confidence boost when the Command Ship landed and unleashed the ranks of Druid warriors. The Uld ambushed them when they crossed the Xia'lact River, a mighty and powerful flowing river. As the Druid warriors waded through , the officers levitating up and over the river, the Uld force of 10,000+ warriors charged in and struck down many unexpecting warriors [fortunately, the Druids wear no battle armour] and continued to fight a bloody melee against the many survivors. The Frogs had a massive home ground advantage fighting in the water, let alone a powerful river, but this wasn't enough. The river turned dark red with blood as the warriors engaged their Arms of Death and unleashed mass death upon the Frogs, who fought back fiercly, yet hopelessly. Bodies flew through the air, piling upon the river shore as the melee was slowly driven up onto dry land, where the Frogs didn't have much of an advantage.
The Frogs had lost well over 7000 when they were partially saved. The ranks of warriors still waiting to actually cross the river suddenly blew up in a chain-explosion. Five strange, hovering metal platforms came speeding through the ranks of the Druids. They stopped infront of the fighting Frogs, now dazed. The creatures aboard the hover crafts grabbed the fighting Frogs and put them in the back of the floating thing. The five aliens saved as many as they could before having to retreat from the angered Druids who now knew what was happening. One officer persued them, flying through the dense forest, amazingly, not being hit by the tall tree trunks. He managed to disintegrate one of the hover machines before being gunned down by the other four.
The Frogs warriors held inside the back storage holds of the skimmers were still confused about what had just happened. When the skimmer made it to the massive, forcefield surrounded city, the gates slowly opened and the skimmers passed through. They flew to the base of a tall tower, and the piloting aliens hopped off the skimmers and unloaded the Frogs, who scrambled out with a flurry of confused speech. The pilot gestured for the Frogs to follow him, which they did, well, most of them. Some just went the other way and explored around the marvellous city. The pilot and following Frogs walked into the fancy building. The staff didn't seem too pleased about the Frogs wet, slimy feet dripping around the clean floor but they could do little more then give angry looks and proceed to call the already busy cleaners. The Frogs were led to another biggish metal box. When they got in the box, two doors slid shut and the thing floated up to the next few levels of the building. When they seemed to get to the top, the whole building seemed to shake and the metal box clanged around before everything returned to normal. The metal doors again slid open, revealing a new, even more fancy corridor. The dizzy Frogs followed the pilot through the corridor and up to a big, wooden, decorated double-door. The door swung open with a creek, revealing another creature same race as the pilot, though more important looking, sitting in a shiny, swinging chair. He nodded at the pilot who then walked in, along with the Frogs, and when the last Frog was through, the doors creeked shut.
"I take it these are the primitives then, Kaetl-ik?" said the important looking one, all up himself "These are what you think will save us?" "Yes, sir" replied the pilot, nervous. "You wanna run the plan by me again? I forgot again, what was it you needed these creatures for?" "Well, we, as you know, are quite limited in numbers, but we have the most powerful technology on the planet. The Frogs, however, are one of the most numerous species on the planet, at least, the most numerous of the ones we have calulated to be able to comprihend... our orders" "Good, good, you have clearance to begin at once. HIICTLI!!! BE SURE TO PROVIDE THIS ONE WITH EVERYTHING HE NEEDS!!!" "YEEESSS SIR" replied a tired-sounding voice from behind the doors. The doors swung open, and the pilot lead the Frogs back to his lab. [Note: The Frogs didn't understand any of this speech, it was all foreign to them]
The huge, bolted metal doors of the pilot's lab slowly groaned shut once all were inside. "Now, Frogs, I need you to tell me where your tribes are, okay?" The Frogs stared at him. "You" he pointed to them "bring me" he grabbed one of the Frogs' hands and lead him around the room and back "to your tribe" he pulled a old picture of one of the conquored Forrest Tribes. The Frogs weren't stupid, they understood the message... well, most of it. They interpreted that the pilot was the one who would bring them to the ruins of that old village, though they hadn't yet made up why. The Frogs keenly following, the pilot walked around his lab over to his personal armory. Energy-Repellant Armour, Lightning Guns, 'Special' Swords [they were made microscopically thin so that they could cut through and organic material with ease] and a prototype personal shield. He gave each of the frogs a set of armour to put on and a gun [they might hurt themselves with the sword!]. The Frogs, with help for the armour, were soon ready, and lead outside to the skimmer.
You may be wondering what happened to the other three groups of Frogs and their pilots. Well, one pilot was also, but less successfully been trying to communticate with the frogs, while the other two are trying to extract the information in a more... non-friendly way...
The skimmer with it's cargo of armed Frogs soon arrived at their destination, nowhere. The pilot was confused, thinking the Frogs were giving the directions while the Frogs were thinking they were just passengers. Everytime a Frog pointed at some marvel, the pilot turned that way, thinking it was the way... The pilot eventually realised they were getting nowhere and stopped in a clearing.
The Frogs, though lost, had an instinctual feeling of the direction in which Uld was. They walked through the regrowing forest, the pilot behind them. After a long while of walking, they came across the clearing where the battle was fought. Thousands of Frog and Druid bodies alike piled upon the river bank, or slowly floated downstream. The grass was soaked with blood and the river was almost completely red. The Frogs went around the clearing, and continued their journey after a quick tribute to the dead.
When they got there, Uld was burning. The buildings crumbled and crushed, corpses lay in their tens of thousands, covered in pools of blood. The Frogs rushed in to check if anyone was alive. There was one, on top of the tallest temple... the War Chief! It was him! The Frogs sprinted towards the temple, but too late, they realised, as another shadow came up behind the Chief's sillhouette. The second sillhouette raised it's hand above the Chief's head, and the Chief, in great agony fell to his knees. On his knees, the Chief lasted only a few seconds, before the Druid thrust his hand forward, and the Chief went flying into one of the cities walls. The Frogs charged even more ferociously at the Druid. At the base of the temple, even more Druids came out from behind the buildings, and before the Frogs even had a chance to scream, they were impounded against the ground and killed.
The pilot, still hiding in the bush out the front of the Uld ruins, noticed a loud explosion in the sky. It was the Druid's second Command Ship, the one still in orbit around Dryon! A small, glowing beacon then dropped from the sky at the loction of the landed Command Ship, and a massive white beam shot down from the sky and completely incinerated the Druid ship. The Druid infantry still on the ground noticed what had happened, and began paniking. Some killed themselves, some ran into the forest, never to be seen again, and some seemed to awake from some kind of 'trance'. Before anyone could begin to wonder what the Druids were trying to achieve, a spaceship dogfight erupted in the sky. It lit up the sky the whole night, until the last of the ships were destroyed.
In the Mountain city of Gripploa, there was a visitor, a hologram of another Drenoik. "Greetings, Grippl'i. I am here to pass on an important message to your species. First of all, my kind is dead. We once ruled over a large Empire not too far from here, but the Druids attacked. Those fighters you just saw in the sky were the last of our species, fighting to defend your homeworld. Now, we do realise that another space-faring civilisation already exists on your planet, but they have grown weak and corrupt. You, Frogs, are strong, kind-hearted and determined. We chose YOU to inherit the positions as protectors of our galaxy. The Druids are the first and potentially most dangerous threat." The message stopped and in place of the Dreniok flashed images and plans for how to create most if not all of Drenoik technology.
After consideration at the Council of the Elders, it was decided to put the little hologram disk with the tablets of history, so that when the Frogs are ready they can observe the message and use it to their advantage. A few scouting parties were sent to investigate the Uld Ruins and salvage any worth while technology and/or recources. They found the pilot, and took him back to Gripploa, where he was 'Read' by the Gifted One, the most powerful of the Mountain Shamans.
The effects of a Frog Shaman 'reading' you are... maddening at best. You sit there, unable to move because of some herbal juice the Frogs put in your 'refreshment', whilst the Shaman sits there, just staring, waiting to 'go through'. After a while, you beging to get shivers. More time passes and you have a strange feeling that the Shaman is staring right through you, right at your soul. It is at this poin, that without the paralysing drink, the subject would begin wildly running and spasming, as if their own bodies and minds were losing against and attack, and trying one last defence. The subject, if they haven't already, then begins to stare into the eyes of the Shaman, and they drift off into oblivion. This is when the Shaman actually enters the mind of the subject, and explores for what he wants. Subjects are often left mad, paranoid or become a hollow 'shell', their mind elsewhere, they do not think other then what they just went through, and die of dehydration.
That was what the pilot went through, except by the most powerful Shaman alive.... and there are alot of powerful Shamans out there. The pilot, as luck had it, got the rare condition of 'splintered mind', which is somewhat similar to becoming the hollow shell, but different. When one has this condition, the mind is so traumatised that it splinters itself into many different parts, usually each one contain a seperate and unique part of the individual's identity and mind[as seen in Red vs Blue! lol].
The Gifted One then reported his findings to the Council. "I entered his mind, it was far larger then any mind I have ever entered before... even my own. It was a miracle I could even get in there. His mind was clouded by many different... ideas and knowlege far beyond any of us." The Gifted One went on to describe some of these ideas, before finally coming to the point "I found one, terrifying fact though. They had more of us, their race. They are called the Fel'itan, they are a dying race. Unlike others, they are dying only because of time, eventually their race slowly began to lose population. Now there are only 500 of them living in a guarded city. That is where they keep our captured brothers, and where they experiment on them." "This... them, experimenting on our kind cannot go unpunished" suggested one of the Elders "We shall muster a force, stronger then this planet has ever seen, and make them pay!" emphasised another.
The City
Gor'aik raised his Metal Ney'mari into the air. The army of 100,000 fully equipped Frog Warriors roared and raised their various weapons into the air. Gor'aik turned towards the Council, standing behind him. "You are sure your predictions are correct? If we lose all these warriors... they could attack us, and enslave us without even a struggle..." "All members of the Council have had the vision. It cannot be incorrect." responded the leader.
The army marched in the direction of the city. They marched behind a 'smokescreen' of 1000 expert scouts to avoid falling into a trap. After an uneventful journey, a day later, the army arrived at the gates of the city, silent and hidden in the last shrubs of bush before the clearing in the front of the city. Everyone of the 100,000 warriors were ready to charge in to their deaths at a moments notice, as soon as Gor'aik gave the word.
Note: The Frogs haven't invented any new weapons, only started to create their traditional weapons with metal in place of stone.
"FOR GRIPPL'IIIII!!!!" screamed Gor'aik, charging along with the rest of the army towards the city gate. The two guards at the gate, who were facing the other way, turned around to observe what was making this loud noise [they didn't speak the frog languages]. The guards, seeing thousands of savage Frogs screaming towards them were terrified, but fulfilled their duty none-the-less, firing their weapons upon the Frog horde. With each blast of the enemy weapons, many Frogs were sent flying backwards, instantly killed. After around a hundred casualties, the Frogs finally reached the slowly retreating guards. The guards were torn apart, with little difficulty dispite their advanced armour.
The Frogs banged and bashed at the two huge flimsy looking, yet incredibly tough gates wioth their primitive weapons, but could barely put a hole in the thing. A loud, echoing voice boomed from the top of the gates. "GO BACK TO YOUR HOMES NOW, FROGS, BEFORE WE ARE FORCED TO DESTROY YOU. ALL." [The Frogs understood because of translators]. "WE WILL NOT LEAVE UNTIL OUR BROTHERS ARE RETURNED TO US AND YOUR LIKE IS WIPED FROM OUR GREAT HOME!!!" responded Gor'aik, full of confidence "WE WILL NOT REST UNTIL ONE OF OUR SPECIES IS DEAD, AND, ASK YOURSELF, WHICH ONE HAS THE BALANCE TIPPED IN THEIR FAVOUR? OUR GREAT NATION, OR YOUR DYING DISGRACE?". With that, an intense sound of flame filled the air, followed by a massive starship flying out of the middle of the city. Once the ship was well out of the solar system [after a few minutes], the city gates opened, and the dumbfounded Frog army cautiously moved inside.
The Frogs found their friends, or what was left of them. Shivering, empty bodies, devoid of all emotion tucked away in the corner. The Frogs killed the poor things, sparing them the misery of continuation [is it just me or did I make up a new word? ]. The army returned to their various cities and villages, sad and gloomy, wondering what had become of the aliens.
Explaination: The City-dwellers fled, realising the Frogs would never give up, because they couldn't kill the Frogs. The couldn't kill the Frogs because killing an entire species, unless at war with them [war can only be declared on space and sometimes advanced civ creatures] was against the Alliance's Galactic Law. The remenents of the Alliance remain hidden in start systems quite close to the Frogs', trying to survive and eventually destroy the Druids. The City-Dwellers were one of the Alliance, and they realised that if they killed the Frogs, they would face being 'executed' as a race, that is, the Alliance declares war on them. If that happened, the Alliance would split into factiuons, and fight a devistating war which they practically forced upon themselves, and kill eachother, leaving the galaxy to the Druids. [Flimsy, but an explaination none the less.]
The Mountain Frog Cities and Villages began fortifying their Cave-Buildings with metal walls, they began to also make crude furniture, such as wooden tables and chairs to populate the Cave-Buildings and make it more comfortable to live in. The metal weapons were refined and made much more effective by balancing the weight out evenly and other such ways. They began producing primitive vehicles, pretty much a box-shaped wooden frame covered by leaves and levitated by psykics.
The remenants of the Forest Frogs, most of which have now merged with the Mountain Frogs, also have upgraded most of their old technology with metal. They now build their huts out of metal and stone, they make their weapons out of metal and have also further developed the black liquid projectile weapon, creating a purpose-built, thin metal tube in which the black liquid projectile is placed, and exploded out, creating a very loud noise, as well as a big spark and some smoke, but it is so inaccurate it almost never hits the target.
Of thousands of Jungle Tribe there used to be, only 10 or so remain. They have still not evolved any further, instead being troubled with survival.
The Plains Tribes have begun worshipping 'The World Spirit', which is pretty much their creator god. A number of new creation myths have also been developed after the Druid invasion.
The Mountain and Forest Frogs have now united under one banner, 'The Great Mind', in other words, Frog 'speak' for an alliance. Most Frogs of this alliance have evolved some psikic abilities, but the power of these abilities varies greatly, from the basic telepathy of the common citizenry, to the wide range of powers of a 'Khe'ilmae' [a sort of psikic generalist], to the more specialised powers of the 'Seers'. The 'Draeki'i', are the main commanding class in battle, lower then the general, but higher then the common soldier. They are well trained in both the arts of war and of the mind, and are deadly in combat. Primitive tribes of other lesser species are beginning to pop up around the place.
The Jungle Tribes are beginning to repopulate, finally.
The Plains Tribes have developed a method of weaving, so now they don't have to rely on living next to a pond, they can just carry their own water around with them.
The Frogs continue their evolution and rise to civilisation... They begin mass-production of their vehicles, invent a few different types and continue to expand their cities.
The Frogs develop a 'Circuit' of metal which is powered by, you guessed it, a psychic. The psychic [and a ppowerful one is needed to make this work] makes the electrons [im not exactly a scientist -_-] in the metal move rapidly, thus creating electricity. This first circuit is huge [20+ m2] and used to power just one little light [in the same concept as the origional human lightbulb] which lights the main city hall of Grippl'i at night.
The "The Great Mind" alliance has begun electing council members from among powerful psychics, and one leader from among the Seers. They have expanded their borders with hundreds of cities spreading out from the mountain base to the borders of the Western Jungle, to the edges of the Southern Plains, up to the Northern Wasteland, and Eastward, towards the glistening ocean. Each and every city under control of the alliance is connected by trade routes and roads, with over 1/4 of the Frog population living a life of travelling along the trade routes. The new total Frog population is 7 Million, give or take a few thousand. A new type of technology has been invented, and is now replacing the old manual technologies [like the circuit i told you about, technologies requiring manual labor in other words]. This new technology is refered to as Automatic technology, it operates using certain brainwaves and impulses to operate the technology, and is powered by 'Tad'el', litterally 'Power' in Frog tongue. Tad'el is poisonous, but contains massive amounts of energy, which is extracted and made into a similar form to electricity, though it is so high in energy, it can only conduct through metals with high melting temperatures, and if they come in contact with water it evaporates it [unless there's alot], which could very well become an environmental problem. Frog weaponry is primarily metal blades for melee and a sort of semi-automatic crossbow which fires small knives [it's easy to cut yourself reloading one of these]. The Frogs have not developed aviation, though it is well within the range of ability of some Frog psychics to fly, they are dissuaded to fly.
The Jungle Frogs have begun to build hut tribes and to settle down in jungle clearings. The Plains Frogs have only developed a simple form of written language which they scratch onto trees, but little else.
Time Since Last Post: 1,000,000 Years Planet Orbit: On colision course with Fourth Planet Time Until Collision: 1000 Years
The Frogs evolve to 10 mil population. They found a few new cities on the outskirts of the realm. Life continues as normal apart from a few new minor inventions, mainly luxuries like cusions and pillows and such.
Time To Planetary Collision: 500 Years
As the two planets on a collision course neared eachother, the Frogs of Dryon noticed a star, at first getting brighter and brighter [it was quite close so that the planet could not regulate it], then it slowly turned into a huge, round rock floating in the sky.
The rock grew as it came closer, until one day, when it was finally close enough. A massive explosion came from a mountain on planet Dryon, though the planets had not yet collided. From within the clouds of ash and dust left from the explosion, one massive tentacle of molten lava which seemed to be more a controlled limb somehow then an eruption. The glowing hot orange-red arm flew through the atmosphere, and into the other planet's. The molten tentacle smashed into the surface of the other planet, and the other planet's surface gave way. Layers of rocky crust smashed aside and drifted off into empty space, lifted up on a cusion of the other planet's own molten lava mantle. The tentacle of Dryon entered the hole in the other planet's crust, which was slowly drained. Soon several other tentacles exploded out of Dryon's seas and raced towards the planet, each at different angles. They all went through both planet's atmospheres and colldided with the other planet, resulting in more crustal displacement, the tentacles entering the holes and increased draining of the other planet's molten core.
After a week of this attachment of two the planets, the other planet was let go of, finally having been completely drained. The other planet floated away from Dryon with unnatural speed, then it's remaining hollow crust shell cracked and shattered into thousands of scattered rocks. Each and every Frog on the surface of planet Dryon felt empowered and immediately fell into a deep state of shared consiousness. Each and every one of the Frogs was now in direct mental connection with not only eachother, but also planet Dryon itself. The Frogs could litterally speak to the planet, and it could understand and reply.
"We are being watched" boomed the voice of Dryon in the mind of the Seer. "They do not mean harm, though. Do not be alarmed." The Seer reported this to the rest of the Council. It had been years since 'The Awakening' [my last post], when the planet became powerful enough to communicate with the Frogs. The Frogs saw this as an awakening to the greater power which gives them life, the planet itself. Now, only Seers specialised in Telepathic powers can communicate with the planet, only the most powerful of these Seers can actually understand, though.
So it goes on for quite a bit more however that's when they come into contact with the other players and it gets a bit confusing since we're only looking at MY writing skills here. Besides, I think this's more then enough right?
Yes but you see Im not american... Im pretty sure its with an s in austraaaalia. Anyway you mean recognised don't you? I don't think I used realize in the first sentence... It looks wrong with a z... nm okay.
-- Edited by somerandomdude on Monday 21st of February 2011 10:28:08 PM
[q]The Frog race was now split in two, and though this had little effect while the Frogs enjoyed the simplicity of creaturehood, but this was a crucial turning point in all of frog history...
Run on sentence, improper subject distinction, improper use of but.
The Frog race was now split in two. Although this had little effect on the frogs during their simplistic state of creaturehood, it was a crucial turning point in all of frog history.