Someone just sent me a Rainbow Matrix. The current music isn't availible for that country I'm living it, can you guys give me the little text description if you care able to see it ?
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Anyone feel like booting up the old Age of Empires 3? I made a campaign for which I need playtesters, would any of you guys be up to the job? Please? Add me or message/email me on MSN if you want the job.
No. It's a sequel of sorts to the AoM campaign. Without spoiling too much, Atlantis rises out of the ocean and destroys the world. No, not really. But it involves Atlantis and Arkantos and Zenos the long-forgotten right-hand man. Other then that you'll have to play to find out.
So far what I have is:
-4 cinematics 1.5 minutes on average -3 scenarios -Story is unfinished, roughly half-way through -But I still need playtesters for what I have so far
It's not an actual campaign because that would require an overwrite of one of the original campaigns and lots of messing with long xml files and too messy for me. It's just a series of numbered scenarios.