* HG will be offline today, August 30, 2012, from 7am EST to noon (estimated) to facilitate work that needed to be done for the server move. * Downloads and teamspeak will be offline all day August 31, 2012 * All of HG will be offline from September 1, 2012 'till September 4, 2012 (at the latest) to facilitate work required to be done for the server move, though the sites should be back online sooner.
Facebook is fine if you keep your friends list small.
I only use Facebook for chatting. I'm desperate by everything else on Facebook. Pages that are not viral don't get any likes on their posts, as for profiles. Google+ is something I like, but unfortunatly, very few people are active on it. I want to be able to use Google-only features for my music project.
For download pages, Google Docs looks fine, but doesn't have enough flexibility, anyway it's all OK. I can host up to 5GB of music, which is fine. Except that my links to pages will be long. I'm more tempted to use bit.ly than goo.gl, it looks less likely to contain viruses, right ?
Quebec elections, the results were as I expected ; very cool. A bunch of conservatists are now centrists, and a few centro-leftists are now socialists. Neoliberalists are completely out, but libertarianism hasn't done a lot of progress...
Canadians are almost the same as Americans. Except in places like Quebec, and maybe BC. In Alberta, they had to choose between the right party or extreme-right party ; one got 45% and the other 35% of the votes. So they're pretty much like USA. Most provinces follow the albertan example.
Source is from politicalcompass.org. It's pretty much accurate. It's from USA, their positions on quadrants come from multiple political intellos in their own countries.
Their positions are based on the normal politics. So if you think Obama is socialist... well, he's socialist for Americans. USA doesn't have any (popular) left-wing nor real libertarian party or politicans, that's a fact. Here's the canadian graphic. The conservatives now has the majority due to western provinces, including Ontario. And they do the same things George Bush did. Bloc Québécois doesn't have a real spot, as their only goal in the canadian parliament is to represent the nation's values.
Jill Stein is the closest candidate to my views, as I expected when I saw the graphic first. But I didn't understand a few questions, blame my very low english vocabulary. That may explain the "94% Green" and "13% Republican" ****s, as both should be much lower.