Age of Mythology: The Beater Expansion Mafia "Arkantos was a god now, so the leader of the city called Atlantis was his son Kastor. Poseidon wanted his revenge, but he couldn't hit Arkantos directly. So he decided to send his son Polyphemus with some forces to destroy Atlantis, gain the other gods' favour and make Zeus kill Arkantos. Kastor realized Polyphemus was his enemy and he was already near Atlantis. So both Polyphemus and Kastor got prepared for the war. But Polyphemus didn't ONLY fight during the day... Also, Amanra wanted that war to end and she'd also have killed either Kastor or Polyphemus to do that."
Rules and explaination: In this mafia, Atlantis is the town. I won't give the scum safeclaims. Don't always lynch based on cop's results, there can be millers and the Godfather looks innocent. Don't edit your posts. Moderators can't look at my edit history in this game and can't edit posts unless I tell them to (if I can't edit like in the mafia calendar). Don't quote your role email, paraphrase it instead. Follow these rules at any time. Don't spam. Breaking these rules will result in being modkilled (killed by the moderator).
For now, I put in 9 roles, but I can delete or add some basing on how many people sign up.
So, did Winston join? Anyway: 1-Shot (not a character, only a restriction): Any character who can do something during the night (kill, protect, roleblock) can do it only once in the game. Mafia assassin: Submits a nightchoice and then, during the day, he kills that person saying DAYKILL: (Name), unless the target has been protected or the assassin roleblocked. Pro mafia. Bomb: When killed, both he and who killed him (or who was the last to vote to lynch him) die. He can be any alignment, so he can be town, mafia or alone (must kill all the mafia and the town to win). Godfather: When the mafia decide who to nightkill, the Godfather sends a message to the moderator. He appears innocents to the cops. Pro mafia. SK (or Serial Killer): He can kill during the night. Alone player who has to take out both the mafia and the town. Roleblocker: He chooses a person to roleblock during the night. That person then can't do anything. Survivor: An alone player who doesn't have to take out both the town and the mafia to win. He just wins if he survives for the entire game. Doctor: He targets a person (Can't target himself) and that person won't be killed during the night. Cop: Can investigate a player per night. He gets a result: Innocent if the player is pro town, Guilty if the player is pro mafia or alone. There are also roles like millers and Godfathers who don't follow these rules. Pro town. Miller: A role who appears guilty even if he's pro town. Daytime vigilante: A pro town role who can kill once a day. He says DAYKILL: (Name) to kill a person. He is likely not to make random kills.
I'm not giving you the role of assassin only 'cause you asked me. If I had said "Ok, I'll give you that role" you'd have been lynched on day one or killed during night 0. So I can give you that role, but I can also give you another to not make the town know one to kill. The game isn't like "Everyone knows other people's role".
------------------------ Cop- can investigate Doctor- can save someone from mafia Miller- townie that appears guilty if investigated ------------------------ That's what I ment ;)
------------------------ Bomb: When killed, both he and who killed him (or who was the last to vote to lynch him) die. He can be any alignment, so he can be town, mafia or alone (must kill all the mafia and the town to win). ------------------------ How the heck can he kill everyone if he dies when blowing someone to pieces?
And you can't edit it because it's edited by a moderator and you aren't a mod in this forum. So if Winston puts "I'm gay" in your post you can't edit it.
The bomb kills only 1 person when he dies. So if the bomb is nightkilled both the bomb and the one who targeted the bomb dies. In a game with 9 people, if 5 people vote for the bomb, both the bomb and who casts the final vote dies.
Anyway, this thread wasn't edited by a moderator before it began to tell me I can't edit it. I really can't explain the reason of this. Also, you can see it says: "Edited by WRP_Beater"
-- Edited by WRP_Beater on Friday 15th of January 2010 12:16:10 PM
"The night began and milions of stars covered the city of Atlantis and Polyphemus's camp. But few people were sleeping. Amanra prepared to do what she was supposed to do as well as Polyphemus's forces. Others feared them and protected their sleping friends."
The night has just begun. Send me your night actions and confirm in bold if you recieved your role message. The day will begin in 24 hours (01/18, 10:20 AM GMT-5). There can be some delay if I don't get all the night actions in 24 hours.
Lastig4 still has to confirm. I'm waiting for these people's night actions: Lastig4, Winston, Alex of Macedon, somerandomdude and Necr0maNceR. The day is not starting now.
No. Remember the moderator has the power to do ANYTHING in a game (). Anyway, as I can do what I want (there isn't a real CoC :p) I put in there some names who can't do night actions, informing them privately. Also, the doctor, the cop etc. are Pro-Town roles and CAN submit a night action. So this list still isn't a clue for the town. Neither it is for the mafia.
"When everyone woke up, they realized he was dead. He was on the floor just in front of the temple. That was a pity. Not many horses had wings."
Pegasus (THYMOLE), a cop, was killed!
"After that they realized there was some blood out of the city. Someone discovered her body. She had killed Pegasus, but when she got out of the city they catched her." Amanra (Necr0maNceR), the Serial Killer, was killed!
There was a sk. There is the mafia. And there is a mafia assassin and a daytime vigilante. No daykill for the mafia assassin today. Night action not submitted.
1) Necro is amanra, HAHAHAHA!! 2) So if he is an SK, what side is he on? 3) Damn nice, you really went all out, this is quite an original mafia, you made your own pics. i congragulate you.