Well from what I can gather, which isn't much, I would think Winston is the most likely, he pretends to wonder why 2 die in the night, when he is actually mafia...
I remember before, on many occasions, Charliedog has shown averse feelings towards thymole, and may have had an agenda for him. So having the powers of the mafia, charliedog would have the perfect opportunity to strike and do what he wanted to do. But on the other hand, necromancer was usually always killed last in the mafia games, so who would be against him to target him to die first? Lastig has seemed to spoken in a way that would make him seem innocent, by talking, yet not about reasoning the mafia, perhaps he is scared because he is mafia. Charliedog, you might just want to target me to shift away blame from yourself. If so, I would suggest creating a more solid argument to stand upon, for what you have now is weak reasoning, and only the likes of thymole would believe you to want to get me lynched.
"He thought that guy was annoying, so he shot him." Polyphemus (Winston), a Mafia Godfather, has been killed! Remember the day hasn't finished. There can be a lynch. Lastig, you can sign up your next game in the Mafia Calendar. It will start after Winston's Club Mafia. I will put in a screenshot tomorrow. Now I gotta sleep.
Ok, I'll see how Alex takes that and then decide on my course of action, however, everyone now knows I'm from town, and somerandomdude has decided to not vote for me... So he could be mafia hiding or a townie. So I drew nothing from that.
Alex, you cannot win this, MAFIA!! Siding with Winston were you? You'd make the perfect Mafia... The Mafia will not win... CharlieDog, side with me... dont make the mistake of siding with the MAFIA!!!!!!
EDIT: Oh, and my reason for not killing Charlie was that he practically saved us, we made a mistake, and he killed Winston, the mafia, knowing that he would most likely be lynced by us... perhaps he could save us once again? With him on our side we could win this... the townies win for the first time...
-- Edited by somerandomdude on Monday 25th of January 2010 03:13:32 AM
Ok, from what I can gather, either one of you is mafia, and because I know I'm not. And i'm pretty sure there is two mafia and two townies, I'm going to assume only one of you is. So Vote: Lastig
Hang on... that means that CharlieDog is 3rd Party because he was some special role and daykilled whoever... and Alex is Mafia... sooo... that question is... who is the greatest threat? Oh, and dont forget that we havent found the Assassin yet, and he sounds dangerous, so unless CharlieDog's the assassin than that means Lastig is OR perhaps Alex has two roles, and that would make him dangerous as he is on TWO sides, mafia and his own... but he'd be most valuable to lync because then we would have lynced two enemies in one go... well, two opposing forces or whatever you want to call it... BUT, we need three people voting for the same person to continue, so
Unvote: Alex
Vote: Lastig
Alex, please vote for Lastig with us so we can continue the game...
Well, the mod arrived. He was making a screenie. Remember CharlieDog voted for Lastig, too. So that's a lynch. "They approached him. He tried to calm them down, but a minute later he was already burning." Lastig4, a Miller Doctor, has been burnt! Now it's Night 1. Send me your night actions. The day will start in 24 or 48 hours.
"The day began. CharlieDog was on the floor, dead. Alex of Macedon was very happy for that he had survived and somerandomdude was very happy for that he had had his revenge."
Kastor (CharlieDog), a 2-Shot Daytime Vigilante, has been killed!
The Mafia (Winston and somerandomdude) and the Survivor (Alex of Macedon) have won!
Roles and night/day actions: somerandomdude: Medusa, 2-Shot Mafia Assassin. No post restrictions. Day 1: Nothing / Night 1: Kills CharlieDog Winston: Polyphemus, Godfather. Post restrictions: "Sea" or "Horse" at least once every 2 days. Night 0: Kills Necr0maNceR Necr0maNceR: Amanra, Serial Killer. Post restrictions: "Stop" at least once every 2 days. Night 0: Kills THYMOLE CharlieDog: Kastor, 2-Shot Daytime Vigilante. No post restrictions. Day 1: Kills Winston Alex of Macedon: Exploding Chicken, Survivor Bomb Roleblocker. No post restrictions. Night 0: Nothing / Night 1: Roleblocks CharlieDog Lastig4: Priest, Miller Doctor. No post restrictions. Night 0: Nothing THYMOLE: Pegasus, Cop. Post restrictions: "Horse" at least once every 2 days. Night 0: Investigates somerandomdude, guilty result