Not my room. Its the guest room upstairs, Im on my laptop in it cause it gets the best wireless reception. And not a cabin, just the house from the outside, major walls, are made out of wood like that.
I dont play an instrument. I never got into band or that sort of class. In 6th grade I was the kid screwing around with the all of the keyboard sounds.
Unless you are japenese. :p They are bat**** insane.
The way I think though, I just take everything as it is. I dont give a damn about different people than me, just how they act, not how they look or born or such. Racism is BS, Im very much against it. And Im very much against religion as well for the same reason, its just a bunch of mythology, everything religions says is explained through natural causes.
Stereotypes are a generalization. But honestly most are correct.
Religions bother me. It's just the unified group that is the problem. Western religions have the stupidest rules and customs. The Asian ones are better because they are mostly just moral codes.
I'm a deist, just cuz I can't fathom the creation of existence. Imaginging infinite time forward is easy. Backwards is not. -mole
I believe that all time is constant. The past, present, and future are all happening at once constantly. The future isnt set, someone can go suicide to stop a possible future from happening, etc
theoritical explanations for existance. Might have to stay up for this one.
I'm thinking time is like a word document ( well, no let's say an aom map) that gets saved every instance as a different file name. We are in the present. This prevents a paradox, because if you go back and change an earlier file, the current one is uneffected, because it is not the same file.
Yeah but you see time is constant, and paradox's dont occur because time travel cant/hasnt happened yet. Think of it as all of the actions in history have been made, like actions in the aom map. The undo button is a metaphor for time travel. Lets say in this case then, you cant use the undo button, because time travel doesnt exist. So its a map where every action causes a save afterwards, and if time travel ever was created, the undo button would be unlocked, and could change anyaction.
But that goes into the paradox then, because if someone from the present or future goes to the past, and changes something that does not affect that person, it would work and continue going smoothly. But if someone changed the past to alter the present or future of themselves, the person who made changes, then it would arguably stop the person in the present from ever going back into the past to stop himself from going back to the path to make the changes that stop him going back..... you see.
Say someone goes back to the past and kills their anscestor. This would effectively cause them to never be born. But if they were never born, they couldn't have gone to the past and stopped themself from being born, meaning they are born and could... Paradox
The future is even more a paradox than changing the past, because THERE IS NO SET FUTURE. You can say all about destiny and fate, but it's not going to go that way. People have free will, and if you try to make someone believe that they would end up doing a certain action in the future, and for the sake of argument the person wants to stop that, they could just kill themselves, stopping that possible future from happening. PARADOX
thats what you assume based on experience... who says time travel hasnt been invented? could there be aliens messing our planets history up? Maybe were meant to be in the Medieval age still... everything and anything is possible... everything and nothing is certain...
you make a map and place a hoplite. Call it map 1 you then add a second hoplite and Call it map 2
if you go back and delete the hoplite in map 1, map 2 will still have 2, because you created an alternate path for time to travel by in map 1. Map 2 remains unchanged because you can't actually go back and change what's happened in map 2, only access it at different points and create different paths. -thy
The way you described that says that there are multiple dimensions and time streams that are happening. But Im taking it that there is just time, and what happens in it.