My dog is scared of my cats. They gang up on her. Its funny, when theyre asleep my dog sneaks over to check them out and see if theyre so viscious (Prob'ly spelt wrong dont care) and if they wake up they try to snuggle up to her and shes just like "OMFG THEYRE AWAKE RUN AWAY RUN AWAAAAAAYYYYY" and sprints down the room and knocks something big over like a cabinet or a speaker stand. The other cat just wakes up like "Wtf was that?" and his/her sibling is just like "That crazy-ass dog again".
Well, shes not stupid, okay she is a bit, but its not her fault, she has a reason, shes mentally scarred because we got her from a RSPCA dog rescue place and she was scared of literally everything. LITERALLY, i mean, wind? Yup, A penny being dropped? Yup, Even the sound her dog food bowl made when it hit the ground while she was looking at it frightened her half to death.
She lived the first 6 weeks of her life in a 2x2 meter room with her 2 brothers and her mum with almost nothing to eat other than their own poop.
Think your life's unfortunate? Think of mah doggeh!
We had to get her though because when we walked into the rescue place she was dog of the day so she was in the reception area. When we walked to the counter, she jumped up and put her paws up on the counter and even let her touch her head, the lady at the reception was absolutely astonished and was like "That dog has barely even been brave enough to touch her food and now shes jumping up and everything!"
Just thought i would explain that since i got nothing better to do really.
Hmmm i would say animal shelter Its just a place where they take animals that have been mistreated and hold them there until they're either well enough to run free (if its like, a bird or a rabbit or something) or keep them until they can be taken in by an owner.
Im not the mastermind behind this.... I... I... i think its aliens... xD
Nahh you honestly think aliens would come straight down to our planet and just say hi? If they knew anything of our existance (Which im pretty damn sure they do) surely, by watching us for even a day or two, a week maybe they would know to turn around and never come down to our planet. I mean, single handedly we basically took over our planet and transformed much of the green to grey and turned real lives into statistics and numbers. Life these days is all about COMFORT. Sad but true... Perhaps theyre just watching us, seeing how badly we screw this place up on our own before they come down and take over? Or maybe we'll destroy ourselves? Seems likely... Or even (My favourite and i really truly hope and believe) nature strikes back and takes the earth back from the humans before we destroy her beyond repair (If it isnt already too late).
actually I think life these days seems to be all about entertainment and what to do to occupy time for people, thats whats mainstream, with so many new toys being invented
well we need to work on space exploration because we wont be ready when the covenant find us, then we will be dead, lest we can train spartans
No man, we missed the chance for heading into space a while ago. When we first cracked space travel, all the humans should have joined forces and focussed on being able to travel through space etc, if that happened, then we would be hundreds of years more advanced than we are now, perhaps even thousands! But nah, we decided to keep fighting, keep being greedy about our money and cramping up this poor little planet. We are destroying our home mate. Beyond repair soon. This is not life, this is a fake existance, living in houses, schools, jobs, corporations, the government... Its all so unnatural and it shouldnt be.
me either, mainly because of parents constantly pissing me off since ninth grade about college. my mom seems to know it annoys me and does it constantly if im annoying her.
so now I dont try to give a flying f*ck about the future, im more concerned with what is happening now, in the present, tje present is more important anyway. you can say sh(t about the future but you dont know till it happens
As children in the eyes of our parents, we are constantly told to think about our future. We dont care about that! We LOVE to live in the moment and not give a flying f*ck about anything, which is good because when we all die, in the end, we want to have remeniscenses (spelling lmfao) of happy moments throughout our lives, right? Not to view some dude hunched over an office desk for years and years and years wasting their life...
@Inhayle: actually after the initial space race ended, the united states was able to work with the soviet union on some sort of space mission. I forget what it was (some Apollo thing I think). It pretty much was the biggest leap to endin the cold war
I'm a witch. I'll curse you. Raawwwwwwrrrrrrr
yeah joe, like my dad tries to make me and my siblings lives miserable and says we should prepare now, WTF? our childhood lives are the times where we should be able to have the most fun, cause after that its all work
Oh, well I meant like the future after my life. I care very much about college and stuff, and I'd care even more if I were a boy (girls can always marry rich guys ;))
I'm a witch. I'll curse you. Raawwwwwwrrrrrrr
@Winston - Exactly man, dont let them control you and make you live how they want you to, yes theyre trying to do it for (what they think) is the best but...... Really? Your at your most able, when your at our ages we are really able, we can move around at speed, lift heavy stuff etc etc no problems, when at older ages, after slaving our lives away at work, whats the point in living when all your able to do is sit in front of the TV, watching some sport, pretty much waiting until you die. (Sorry grandad, your awesome but its true, thats your life right now)
@Thy - Oh wow that sounds cool, im not sure, maybe they hit like a brick wall in the way of space travel and cut a lot of the funding, because im pretty sure (but dont really know) that hardly any people go to space these days.
aye joe, I mean really, I dont mean to sound like a slacker in those last posts- I get mostly best grades in school and Im very self aware, I could manage myself thanks, I just wish my parents would eff off about it
well the technology to make space stations and ships like in movies are non existant. the ISS is our pinnicle at the moment in space technology and its extremely tight quarters, you basically crawl through the whole thing. we cant get people to mars, only robots, the technology to propel and move through space long distance and keep humans alive just isnt there yet
Isnt there yet because humanity is instead researching the technology to destroy each other rather than advance as a race.
I mean... The USA alone has about 10,500 NUCLEAR bombs at the ready.
... WHY????
Thats enough explosive to either break a massive chunk of earth off which will cause it to spin off its path through space and either burn up in the sun (im not joking around here) or fly away from the sun, and slowly get colder... And colder... until every living organism freezes to death. Or immerse the planet in radiation... Like, completely drown the place in radiation.
So f*cking pointless, just because of COINAGE, or money, stocks whatever.
yeah, arti. gravity is the biggest one probably in movies and media thats untrue and undeveloped. that would be an amazing leap, to impliment gravity. actual gravity, a law of physics, probably couldnt be created, because thats messing with the fabric of reality and impossible, but I can see magnetics being a huge role in arti. gravity
Although i can see how magnetics could work relatively easily... Well... For todays scientists at least.
You all heard about that insane train? From London to New York... LONDON TO NEW YORK IN 54 MINUTES , floating above the tracks (Using electromagnets, woooo!!!) , in a tunnel underwater at 4,000 mph?
i've heard about how theres a tunnel across the english channel thats underwater, linking UK to france, that cars can drive through. sounds really f*cking cool
Channel tunnel, yeah thats cool but come on... An underwater, 4,000 mph train that travels a 3,100 mile long journey in 54 minutes... What the hell humans arent supposed to do that..!
Anyway now i got the ... addiction from whoever was doing it first, i forgot. Night night all, probabally have a chat tomorrow its been interesting.
They could like, point the magnets on the track backwards so that they push the train/car the other way, slowing it down. Im not sure but they can probabally do it.
Uh, well if they are using electromagnetism they could just stop the flow of electricity. Don't they already have some sort of mag lev bullet train in china?
I'm a witch. I'll curse you. Raawwwwwwrrrrrrr
That underwater mag lev train is badass on so many levels.
I reckon they should do the same thing for cars and stuff, using electromagnetics, the only problem would be figuring out how to make it stop... A lot of cars feature "eddy current" braking which is already based on electromagnetism, so I don't think that would be a very big leap, but making mag-lev compatible roads certainly would be huge amount of work.