WRP The more different you think girls are, the more confusing they will be towards you - TRUE.
Well, to be honest i would prob wake up, notice my boobies and stand in front of a mirror for like 5 hours, then i would call up this girl i like who is bi and fool around with her for the rest of the day. It would make a nice change, or could at least head down to the skatepark and be like, the most kickass skater chick ever down there ^^
Lesbians only sound good on paper, IRL it would suck, they only like girls, wouldnt let guys watch, cause that would be gay to them. Bisexual is the best.
Winston? Could you delete that? I don't want it in the open. And mole... Shut up. It's not something for your freakin benefit. I'm really mostly straight too
I'm a witch. I'll curse you. Raawwwwwwrrrrrrr