Does WRP's bodyguard/SRD's time shift count as an evade to protect us from Gil? Im worried about him the most, he could decimate us for easy prey to the other enemies.
Alex should target someone most likely to evade. Wrp? How about you go after catabre, so we have even distribution, so if razor evades we can still hurt catabre alot.
eh, looks like we cant do it alone. How bout SRD and Winston shoot him tonight, the rest reload, and then EVERYONE evades the next turn?
Also we have to consider Xaph. He could be problematic, especially with winstyck. Now, I WILL NOT support killing winston preempetively. What winston could do is shoot Xaph on the last turns of xaph's life, so that he wont be able to kill him with a normal attack. ???