Heres something Xzyiothe from heavengames has to say about battlestar gallactica!
"**** Battlestar Galactica. It's a terrible show which I'm sure every stereotypical american loves and furiously masturbates to. All they're missing is some big bad evil empire to fight against for their independence (which they actually
had but let's not get technical.) I got to season 3 by watching an episode every time I felt like hurting myself.
Their excessive use of earthling idioms, style of government, morals, suspiciously christianised hellenist religion, and emphasis of free trade are laughable if not infuriating. Keep this all in mind that the last they heard of earth, they were still neolithic tribes, or something like that. Never got past the beginning of season 3. But still, what the hell, man."
Yeah... from what ive seen of it it looks cheesy [eg. the dvd covers, ads...] but... yeah i dont plan on watching it anytime soon... but stargate's good... very good... so is dr who, do you guys have that in america? Its a british scifi show... used to be my favourite... i just noticed im doing the excessive... thing again... argh. . so yeah.
The lot of em. They're generally all about space or time warps. I've seen em. Not all of course. They're alright. It's too fantasy though. Battlestar was very realistic. By the end of the series their ship is a creaking rustbucket.
I'm a witch. I'll curse you. Raawwwwwwrrrrrrr
My dad girl friend would kill the lot of ya she's a stargate fanatic she's the one who showed it to me... origionally i couldn't get over how they just named their aliens after ancient gods but i got over it, the series got better and i eventually liked it.