Help me DESTROY Kurt from my seventh period english class! It seems he has declared war on me and I shall out prank him! He will never cross me!
Kurt 'burritoed' my backpack yesterday. He took it when i wasnt looking, took my stuff out of it, turned my backpack inside out, and put the stuff back in it. I thought he switched my backpack with someone elses, didnt know it was mine. He won that battle but will lose the war!
What are good pranks I can pull on him? Not someting that desires too much difficulty. I think for my revenge I'm going to saran wrap his car during lunch and hten he will see it after school and know I did it!! I will destroy Kurt!
What? no saran wrapping up his car isnt too far, its pretty much just harmless prank there. spiking his food is something I cant do, its school lunches and he'd see me, and spiking food can be taken as attempted poisoning.
Kurt 'burritoed' my backpack yesterday. He took it when i wasnt looking, took my stuff out of it, turned my backpack inside out, and put the stuff back in it. No, that's called 'nuggeting'!
Kurt 'burritoed' my backpack yesterday. He took it when i wasnt looking, took my stuff out of it, turned my backpack inside out, and put the stuff back in it. No, that's called 'nuggeting'!
No! Its called 'Cabbaging'!!
I dont know what saran wrap is but if you mean Clingfilm then that would be great haha, if you do it over his doors he will have to cut it off.
And no, its definately, without a doubt, 100% NOT vandalism.
Yeah Joe, thats what I mean. Its a good idea. Just need one or \two people to help me at lunch time, and a roll of plastic wrap. or clingfling. Do you have any advice to help me get revenge?
Thy, where would i find those? Thats a good idea, those things are annoying to take off. Its a good idea.
But tbh Arthur its kinda hard to think of a plan for retalliation when we know very very little of what is at your disposal, we know he has a car.. And you have some clingfilm (saran wrap?)
You could clingfilm across his door at home before school if you could manage to sneak to his house without being seen and without looking like some kind of crazy saran wrap burglar haha.
You should put a pressure sensor on his seat, make it pull a string, connected to a lever of some sorts [a pen(cil)] also tied at the other end by a string which is tied to one leg of his chair, which you have pre prepared by pulling it off and lightly sticking it back on.
Alternatively you could, while he's not looking, attach to his shirt a string with a pin ect, and tie the string to something else nearby and watch as his shirt is pulled off and/ or unwound while he walks away.
Or if your not feeling up to that get a shoestring and stick a ton of pins into it so theyre sticking out and chase him around whipping him with it. That would show him :P