As you all know very well, yet still ponder whether it is truth or not, my name is, in fact, Aden, but whether it is spelt like that or differently is unknow to you. In any case, listen to this nice little Celtic Song and tell me if you like it.
Light of Aidan... never heard of them? Niether had I until I saw... THIS...
UTTER AWESOME!!! Keeping in mind that this is just a game trailer in live action rather then the usual CGI, imagine what a live action Halo movie made by this guy would be like... it'll make Avatar look like a hobo's breakfast...
This, my friends, is The Light Of Aidan Thread, the thread containing everything useful I know and/or discover. Keep tuned for the next update!
I dont get why alot of people dislike CGI. I mean in the end, all I want is a good looking movie, so who cares if its real or not? CGI can look really close to real.
there are some good CGIs, but they're rare. they usually look so unrealistic, just look at how the surroundings in 300 look so apocalyptic and unreal, it looks like some fantasy universe. Or compare old A New Hope tatooine desert with the desert of Geonosis, it just looks argghhh, cartoony. I way prefer seeing environnements like in Lord of the Rings where they filmed most of the travel sequences in various countries, than seeing some people acting in front of a painting.
On this day, somerandomdude, official topic spammer of Black Ice Studios, Creator of Aden the Druid Unfinished Series of AoMH, Player of mighty Spore, RP'er of the Sporums and Sporummer has been accepted into the Thrive Project. The Thrive project was concieved after the largely negative reactions to Spore's shallow gameplay and lack of fulfilling it's many promises. Project Thrive wishes to correct where Spore went wrong. For more accurate information, please read the following post made by poisson14 of the Sporum, posted in the Sporum;
Thrive is widely inspired by the concept behind a PC game called Spore. Though Spore was initially billed as a realistic, scientific game about evolution, the final product got watered down until it had practically nothing to do with science or reality. Thrive aims to succeed where Spore failed. Thrive will be a free, open-source game created by an online community of dedicated volunteers. Our team seeks to accomplish two major goals: create engaging, compelling gameplay that respects our players' intelligence, and remain as accurate as possible in our depiction of known scientific theory.
Upon beginning the game, you will witness the explosive birth of a new Universe. You start out in God Mode, one of the games three modes. The other two are Organism Mode and Strategy Mode. In God Mode, you can raise volcanoes, control the fate of ecosystems, and manipulate evolution itself-like a sandbox game. Organism Mode is entered by choosing an organism and essentially taking control of them. Explore the environment and encounter other organisms, all like a kind of adventure game. Strategy Mode is entered by picking some form of country or other faction, which you control in RTS style.
We realize that the entire idea is hugely ambitious, so we're doing this in parts. Our current goal is to program the Behaviour Editor, a simpler editor where you manipulate the AI of your organisms. A prototype is available at the end of this post. But, we desperately need people to get just this done-programmers, artists, and more!
i fully encourage messing with time siggies, but in a soundtrack that'd get very annoying... very fast. Around 20 seconds... I'm not super rhythmic but it sounds like it jumps from 4/4 to 8/4 just for one measure
NIce SRD, that was good! How did you make them? I want to be able to do that.
You must first have access to incredibally advanced alien technology aka Mac/Apple Computer
THEN you must buy the program garageband. THEN you must install it. THEN you must watch The Fourth Kind in which the guy at 1:32 looks like my english teacher. THEN you must create an awe-inspiring soundtrack. Alternatively, persuade your friend to do the above minus the last step and buy it off him for half the buying price.
Of course, I won't tell you the real way to do that until you swear allegiance to The THRIVE Project. And neither will Thy or Mole WON'T YOU THY-MOLE?!?! Im so mean. And to pay for that the quotes most liekly gonna screw up...
I made a new one... which everyone seems to like the best so far...
The reverb made it awesomesauce.
-- Edited by somerandomdude on Friday 3rd of December 2010 07:51:39 AM
Julian Assange has been released from prison on bail. And his AUSTRALIAN!!! Someone from australia actually did something interesting and got noticed! Huh who woulda thought the day would come. The whole thing just screams conspiracy, cause having founded wikileaks, julian could then do anything he wanted and the govs couldnt do squat about it without everyone thinking they're arresting him for making wikileaks. Huh. Julian should work for me.
I didnt make it... unless your talking about the thrive in which case i thank you. If i did make that above music id be a freakin thouandair, you know how much money that game makes? Alot.