I am fine with all the other Mythic guys, it's just this one that bothers me.
First of all, he claims to be an amazing designer, yet the only things I have seen him accomplish barely compare to the standards I had before I joined HG in 07. His maps are hideous(IMO, I can't stand half the stuff that gets announced, probably cause I was playing all of Oscars stuff).
Secondly, he holds himself very highly. Very reminiscent of Spetch, my archenemy (serisously, Spetch disrespected K&S, Yeebs and me to say the least).
His grammar also kills me. He rarely uses capitol letters or any punctuation. As well as the fact that he claims to be 17 or something yet acts like a 12 year old and is about as mayure as such.
Marauder is the one that annoys me. He reviewed one of my maps with a 2.4 saying that it didn't follow the story line of something I wasn't even trying to do. Then he creates a map which he claims is a more accurate retelling of it. Yet from the comments, it's impossible to die in it.
While i do think its nice to see enthusiasm to brighten up the sd with new designers, they seem harmless enough. My only concern is the EXTREME noobishness they make the HOV. Its horrible these days now, half the threads are from them.