Walri Mini Mafia
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Island of the Lost
It has happened. The seasonal migration has occurred. The ice was melting, breaking up. They needed to move the pack to colder and more solid foundations. But it was almost too late. They were being stranded on the b...
Dog-Cat Mafia
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Island of the Lost
____________________________________________ Dog-Cat Mafia The cats silently padded into the midst of the dogs, no-one noticed as they used their super-awesome magic powers to transform themselves into dogs. And so it was, that, although the dogs knew their were traitors in their midst, they...
Age of Mythology: The Beater Expansion Mafia
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Island of the Lost
Age of Mythology: The Beater Expansion Mafia "Arkantos was a god now, so the leader of the city called Atlantis was his son Kastor. Poseidon wanted his revenge, but he couldn't hit Arkantos directly. So he decided to send his son Polyphemus with some forces to destroy Atlantis, gain the other go...
Club Mafia
1 2
Island of the Lost
Lights flashed, music was heard booming in the background. Doors in the back and front of the building were being opened. The club had opened, but unbeknown to others, there were plan...
Internet Language Dethy Mafia
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Island of the Lost
Internet Language Dethy Mafia WRP_Beater and the other Black Ice Studios members were surfing the net. All of a sudden, the whole internet was transformed into slangs. Only one liked that, the others didn't, so they started to guess who could have liked it. Of course, the 1337 liker tried to blend in....